The authors of Overwatch 2 completely hid Tracer’s buttocks in the new skin

New skin in Overwatch 2

Blizzard Entertainment has released a themed battle pass for Overwatch 2 dedicated to the New Year and Christmas. In addition, two sets with skins for Sojourn and Tracer appeared in the in-game store, and gamers are unhappy with the latter.

New bundles depict heroes in evening dresses. Both girls are wearing a pantsuit, but Tracer’s pants are much looser than her usual tight-fitting clothes. Gamers noted that the new skin completely hides the girl’s buttocks. Some users even said that asking for such money is a robbery on the part of the developers.

Twitter user under the nickname OverwatchNaeri drew attention to the new Tracer skin from Overwatch 2 from the themed battle pass dedicated to the New Year. In the Formalwear look, the heroine wears trousers that, according to some commentators, completely hide her buttocks.

This isn’t the first time Blizzard has tried to make Tracer’s butt smaller or hidden. Overwatch fans were unhappy with the design of the heroine in the second part of the shooter due to the change in this part of her body.

Social networks have already begun to criticize Blizzard for such desexualization of the heroine. However, some people, on the contrary, liked this skin – in their opinion, it greatly “refreshes” Tracer.

Blizzard has previously been spotted trying to hide Tracer’s buttocks. After the release of the second part, users noticed a significant reduction in this part of the heroine’s body.

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