Total War is the gold standard of strategy games. Other games follow its example, trying to replicate its success, but not all of them can reach it. Each new part of the series slightly turns the genre upside down, after which the old approaches already seem outdated. But will Empire: Total War be able to surpass its predecessors and set a new bar for quality?
Table of Contents
Total War: EMPIRE Free Steam Account
The Total War series is not just a strategy game, it is a hybrid beast with two heads. One is strategic, turn-based: on a global map, you manage the state, develop cities, decide what taxes to impose, who to befriend, and who to smear across the map. The second is tactical, in real time: thousands of soldiers clash on the battlefield, and each fight is like a chess game with cannons, spears and sabers.
The early games were quite local in scale: in Shogun, you restore order to the disparate feudal Japan, in Rome, you find out which of the three Roman houses is worthy of owning the Mediterranean, and in Medieval, you carve out the map of Europe in your own way. But as soon as it comes to a clash of armies (and this happens regularly), you switch from global management to the battlefield, where hundreds and thousands of fighters await your orders. And here’s where the magic begins: squads are divided into infantry, ranged, cavalry and other specializations, and victory depends on dozens of factors – from the landscape and weather to formation and even morale. Made a mistake with the arrangement? Get ready to watch your legions flee in panic.
Total War is like Civilization, only with a stern face and no concessions. If in Sid Meier you could turn the world into a utopia with a couple of clicks, here everything is serious: every step requires preparation. Do you want the Crimean Khan to accept Christianity? Forget about magical missionaries. You have long and hard work ahead: priests, agents, political pressure. Everything for real. If you want a revolution, get ready to invest: suppress dissent, bring in troops, organize purges. And if suddenly your elite army runs away from hundreds of warlike natives — look for the reason in your mistakes: maybe you ignored the terrain, or maybe the general let you down.
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Total War is a simulator of a ruler, schemer and commander all rolled into one. There is no magic here, only logic, calculation and the consequences of your decisions. This is especially noticeable in Empire: Total War. Here the map has already grown to unprecedented sizes — Europe, America, India. Global technologies, a developed economy, intricate diplomacy and domestic politics have appeared. You are not just fighting — you are managing entire continents. The only thing missing is a button to “fly to Alpha Centauri”, but who knows, maybe in the future it will come to that.
Oceans on Fire: How Empire Makes Sea More Important Than Land
The main feature of Empire: Total War is, of course, colonial wars. The entire 18th century, covered by the game (from 1700 to 1799), was a real race of European powers for overseas wealth. Spices, gold, rare resources – all this promised incredible profits. Special sea regions appeared in the game, where you can open trading posts (but the places there are limited!). The more ships you send to the cunning natives, the fatter the cash flow into your treasury will be.
But there is one nuance. If you are at war, the enemy will first block your trade routes. And then burn your cargo ships – unless, of course, you have placed warships nearby. In Empire, control over the seas is not just beautiful, it is literally control over your income. If not you – then your enemies will get everything.
Particular attention should be paid to India. There are literally placers of precious stones and valuable resources there. Even the capture of one province can raise, say, Holland to a completely new financial level. The only problem is that India is divided between two powerful powers – the Marathas and the Mughals. They have heavy infantry, and elephants in armor, and in general, no time for jokes. If you decide to go there, be prepared:
- assemble a powerful army, including special colonial units;
- send it on a long march (about ten moves in one direction);
- hold positions far from home, without operational support;
- defend against counterattacks and sudden invasions of competitors;
- fight off a possible “guest” in the form of a British fleet with landing forces.
Historically, Europeans played local princes, pitted them against each other, bought them, cheated them. In the game, everything is simpler: take a bayonet and go. And remember: losing far from the metropolis is equal to a complete loss of investment.
Approximately the same story is with the Caribbean. Rum, pirates, yo-ho-ho – everything is fun until the fight for every piece of land begins. Defending each island with a full-fledged army is more expensive for yourself, so you have to play naval chess: catch enemy transports, sink landing forces, maneuver. And all this against the backdrop of the fight against pirates who cause chaos on trade routes. After a couple of gaming evenings, these “romantic robbers” will be associated with eternal nerves and chases across the Caribbean Sea rather than fun.
In the north – another headache. Local tribes will not let you build colonies in peace: the redskins will raid like clockwork. Get ready for endless defenses of forts and surprise attacks that will make you remember Fenimore Cooper with more than just nostalgia.
And that’s not all – the European powers are not sleeping among themselves either. Everyone wants to snatch more from the New World. And Empire also has a separate campaign for American patriots. It begins with an easy victory over the Indians, and then – on the rise: from a modest colony to a war for independence. Will you be able to withstand the British Empire, having only one province? Try – and if you succeed, a full-fledged campaign for the USA will open, already as a great power.
Ships, cannonballs and chaos: how naval combat works in Total War: EMPIRE
It is logical to assume that in the colonies it is customary to sort things out with the help of sea battles – the very ones that we enthusiastically talked about in previous materials. But, frankly speaking, there was a fly in the ointment. Yes, at times sea battles really do resemble the “Corsairs” from our teenage fantasies: two fleets under full sail slowly approach each other, the sun plays with glare on the waves, sailors scurry around the decks, preparing for battle… And then, as if from another world, absurd firing zones and path markers appear – as if the artist who painted the picture suddenly decided to add a bit of gamedev. If you have only a couple of ships at your disposal – no problem. You can immerse yourself in the process: careful maneuvering, manual aiming, choosing the type of shells, turning from side to side… And if the battle does not go according to plan – feverish attempts to catch the wind and save at least what is left.
But once you take command of a full squadron, all hell breaks loose. The AI behaves strangely: sometimes it gets right under the enemy’s nose, sometimes it crashes into its own. The vast expanses of the sea suddenly turn into a traffic jam on the Moscow Ring Road: ships are pressed close to each other, there is no room to maneuver, someone is constantly crashing into someone else, and the swearing – albeit in your imagination – is pouring out.
The same problem is with boarding. While your ship is trying to skillfully approach the enemy, the latter is not going to just wait. It fires from all barrels, generously treating your sailors to grapeshot. As a result, when the assault finally begins – with grappling hooks, ropes and attempts to climb the enemy’s masts a la “Pirates of the Caribbean” – one and a half living sailors and a dead hope for success remain from your brave team.
Nevertheless, the game is worth the candle. A defeated frigate can not only be included in your fleet, but also sold – at a profit. True, at sea, unlike on land, there are no shelters, hills and bushes from which you could effectively jump out with a cry of “Surprise!” So the field for tactical maneuvers here is limited – especially considering how reluctantly the wooden hulks turn. As a result, tired of all this maritime fuss, you increasingly hand over control to assistants, leaving yourself only the most important and epic battles.
Ministers, revolutions and bayonets: the inner workings of Empire
While everything is blazing and boiling in the colonies, Europe, as befits the Old World, fights in a decorous and consistent manner. No crazy expeditions across the oceans – everything is strictly according to plan: step by step, province by province, battle by battle. Playing on the European stage is very reminiscent of the previous parts of the series: instead of naval adventures – large-scale battles on land and leisurely but intense diplomacy.
In this part, you do not just have a monarch – you have a whole cabinet of ministers! One is in charge of the army, another – the navy, the third – the colonies, the treasury and other important matters. You need to appoint wisely: a talented Minister of War, for example, can reduce spending on the army, and a smart treasurer – increase tax revenues. The Minister of Justice, if anything, will quickly cool the ardor of the rebels.
But everything is not so simple. If you play for a republic, ministers must also win elections, otherwise the opposition will seize power – and this is often a gathering of incompetent screamers. But monarchs have their own headache: the more scientific progress – the higher the risk of revolutions. Incidentally, science is one of the key factors in Empire. All new technologies appear in colleges and universities. To make the process go faster, you can send a nobleman there – a new character who helps scientists. However, they sometimes get so carried away by arguments that they arrange duels, and if one of the professors dies – this is serious damage to your scientific field.
Research in the game is divided into three major areas:
- Military technologies – improve the army and navy, open access to new types of units and tactics.
- Economic – increase the efficiency of agriculture, industry and trade.
- Philosophical – bring prestige points, accelerate overall development, but can awaken a thirst for change in the population.
And if new guns and bayonets make everyone happy, then philosophy is a double-edged sword. It brings prestige, gives powerful bonuses… but at the same time the population begins to think, doubt, demand reforms. And then it’s not far to a civil war. The same thing with industrialization: the economy grows, the mines are deeper, the harvests are richer, but people are increasingly dissatisfied with life. However, new combat technologies are worth it – your troops learn to attack with bayonets, form a square and hit the enemy with grapeshot. New units appear, without which you can’t go anywhere in the late game.
If you are not very good with science, you can buy the necessary technologies from your neighbors. The diplomatic system allows you to trade not only knowledge, but also provinces, alliances and trade agreements. And also – to demand that weak states become your protectorates. Then they will give half of their income and fight on your side. Usually, if you add a little money to the request, the AI does not resist too much. Sometimes he himself comes up with proposals – for example, Prussia offered me to exchange Courland for Königsberg, a couple of technologies and a solid compensation.
Industry has also become more interesting. Each province now has not only a capital, but also small towns with factories, farms and ports. This opens up opportunities for guerrilla raids: if you can’t take the capital, you can simply rob the surrounding area with cavalry. And if you develop agriculture, the regions begin to grow quickly – new cities appear, villages develop, turning into full-fledged ports. It is profitable to feed the people and invest in development – it will bring profit later.
All this – science, industry, diplomacy, ministers – is just preparation. Because sooner or later the main thing comes. War.
The battles in Empire: Total War are spectacular, large-scale and a little ridiculous
Battles are the true backbone of the entire Total War series. They are spectacular, varied and open up a lot of tactical possibilities. But in Empire: Total War, something went wrong with this magic. For example, having started the campaign for Russia, before we could blink, by 1709 we had already stormed Stockholm, wiped Sweden off the map and almost crushed Poland. And yet, we would have liked to take part in the legendary Battle of Poltava… The reason for such a hasty victory is the behavior of the artificial intelligence. It is, to put it mildly, strange. Even on the highest difficulty, the computer can simply walk in circles or stand like a pillar, patiently waiting for heavy cavalry to attack it and turn it into mincemeat.
Another episode was also memorable. During the siege of a small town, the AI decided to show off: it occupied key buildings with three infantry regiments and vigorously moved into the offensive with its remaining forces. Considering that he had seven regiments in total, the outcome of the battle was a foregone conclusion. His soldiers, holed up in the houses, sat there until the very end — apparently hoping that we would storm them. But why bother if one artillery salvo turns these buildings into a pile of chips? Especially when a couple of cannons are used — only smoke and dust remain from the buildings. Except that forts are not so easy to destroy.
By the way, things are much more interesting with shelters in open areas. By lining up the shooters behind some brick fence, which some peasant probably built for potatoes, you can significantly reduce losses. Despite the oddities of the AI, it is the ground battles that are perhaps the most exciting thing in the game. The following details are especially pleasing:
- Clear lines of infantry confidently marching into battle;
- Dense clouds of gunpowder smoke after volleys;
- Cavalry crashing into the flanks with a roar;
- Artillerymen tirelessly loading heavy guns;
- A landing party of guards storming the walls of the fort along ropes;
- Siberian riflemen hidden in the thickets, waiting for their moment.
At such moments, the game seems to come alive, reminiscent of scenes from Gladiator: a golden field, heavy ears of grain, along which gloomy soldiers walk – and the feeling that in a second this world will explode from cannon volleys and the squeals of the dying.
And in the tropics, there is a completely different atmosphere. Soldiers, exhausted by the heat, make their way through the humid jungle, and one involuntarily recalls the film “Aguirre, the Wrath of God”, where a handful of Europeans confront an entire hostile world. In India, it is even more picturesque: the luxurious palaces of the rajas turn into targets for cannons. You watch how graceful domes fly to pieces – and somewhere inside your heart squeezes unpleasantly.
By the way, firearms appeared in the series in Shogun: Total War, so the era of muskets for Empire is a logical and rather soft continuation. It’s just that now the guns are louder and there’s more drama.
Total War: EMPIRE – Definitive Edition System Requirements
How to play Total War: EMPIRE – Definitive Edition for free on Steam via VpeSports
Have you ever dreamed of leading a great empire, building fleets, waging large-scale wars and dictating your will to entire continents? Total War: EMPIRE – Definitive Edition gives you this opportunity — and, what’s especially nice, you can now get it for free. Yes, no kidding: you can play without spending any money, thanks to the shared account system on the VpeSports website.
Sounds tempting? And it really works. All you need to do is go to the website, register and look at the section with free steam account. Among the games there, you will already find Empire: Total War — a real gift for those who love well-thought-out strategies, exciting battle scenes and the historical atmosphere of the 18th century. On the game page, you will find a launch button and detailed instructions — nothing complicated, everything is clear and understandable, even those who are not very good with technology can handle it. In a couple of minutes, you can already manage armies, form alliances and fight for influence on the world stage.
And when you’ve played enough, we’d appreciate it if you shared your impressions. Just write a short review on the review page. This helps other players, and you’ll also get your login details. If your comment doesn’t go through right away, don’t worry, we’ll tell you what to fix. After that, everything will work like clockwork.
By the way, to stay up to date with new giveaways and not miss a single opportunity, we recommend subscribing to our Telegram channel and checking out the chat. There’s always someone there to help if something goes wrong. And if you want to understand in more detail, the site already has a complete guide to launching Empire: Total War and more.
So, if you’ve long dreamed of the era of cannons, sails, and great empires, now is the time. And yes, you can really start playing right today. Without unnecessary expenses and nerves.
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, thanks vp eSports ❤️❤️
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Loved this game I got the account really best strategy game ever. Thanks Vpesports for this…
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