It’s hard to say how successful EA’s idea was to release Titanfall 2 right after Battlefield 1. The latter will continue to stir up controversy for a long time, and Respawn Entertainment’s creation risked simply getting lost in the shadow of DICE’s shooter. But, frankly speaking, the marketing decisions of large corporations are none of our concern. The main thing is that Titanfall 2 is already available, which means it’s high time to get out of the trenches of World War I and go into battle in huge mechs.
For a long time, I only heard rave reviews about Titanfall 2, but I couldn’t bring myself to try it. And, honestly, I regret it. I regret not playing it earlier. It’s a real gem, and it would have been a crime to miss it all these years. I was afraid that I simply wouldn’t like it. After all, giant walking robots are not my thing. But it turned out that the mechs are only part of the equation here. We play as them only a third of the time, and the rest is for the pilot, the person who controls them. And if you think it’s all going to come down to “robots fighting robots, humans fighting humans,” then get ready for surprises.
Table of Contents
Titanfall 2 Free Steam Account
The Battlefield and Titanfall series had one thing in common — a cool attitude to single-player campaigns. However, over time, both games have taken a step forward in this direction. If in BF1 the authors took a risk with an unusual presentation of the plot, then Respawn Entertainment chose a more classic, but no less exciting approach. The campaign in Titanfall 2 turned out to be short — only six to seven hours, but rich and revealing the game’s potential well. It all starts quite calmly. The first half of the campaign is built on the constant separations and reunions of the BT titan and its pilot, Jack Cooper. First, we fight our way to the console to open a passage for the mech, then we go to rescue him after he is kidnapped by enemies. It seems that the plot will develop according to a predetermined pattern.
But gradually the mechanics of interaction between the heroes become more diverse, and their relationships come to the fore. In general, the connection between Cooper and BT is the real emotional center of the story. The rest of the plot is a standard story about a failed rebel operation against the powerful IMC corporation. According to the classics, our hero is a rookie who had to quickly climb the career ladder, because more experienced fighters preferred to lay down their lives on the battlefield.
The dialogues of the antagonists are also not very original. They invariably try to destroy the hero, throw threats and smugly declare that “this time he won’t get away.” However, they don’t have much charisma, the images are written superficially, and therefore it is simply not interesting to follow their confrontation. At some point, you stop taking what is happening seriously and just fight your way through crowds of enemies, enjoying the gameplay.
But even against the background of this standard action movie, the relationship between Cooper and BT stands out. Their connection gradually strengthens, and their conversations are full of irony based on the difference between human and artificial intelligence perception of the world. For example, having found the body of pilot Anderson, BT coldly comments: “We met Captain Anderson.” When Cooper points out that he’s dead, the titan replies, “Indeed, his heart isn’t functioning.” Moments like these not only add life to the narrative, but also make the story surprisingly warm. And by the end, when the emotions reach their peak, it’s hard to hold back the tears.
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How Titanfall 2 Keeps Up Its Momentum
Titanfall 2 builds its levels to maximize the parkour potential. Wall runs, lightning-fast maneuvers, and fast-paced shootouts all feel smooth and organic. The locations are varied: dense jungles give way to giant factories, and then to fortified military bases. There are more than enough weapons — racks with “guns” are scattered literally everywhere, and their combination with the pilot’s high-speed tricks makes the shootouts spectacular. The only thing that slightly spoils the fun is the abundance of soulless robots that turn battles into a regular shooting gallery. However, in terms of acrobatics, have gone all out. Electrified walls, platforms that the install themselves, and other parkour elements add freshness and complexity. This also applies to BT: as you progress, the robot gets new weapons and abilities borrowed from the multiplayer titan classes. When clearing starts to become routine, throws in fresh mechanics in time. Thus, one of the levels offers time travel – a spectacular gameplay technique that allows you to literally move between the past and the future with one click, disappearing from the line of fire and suddenly finding yourself behind the enemies.
Next comes a section with dangerous turbines, where the pilot receives a device that creates protective platforms. Making your way through moving obstacles, you have to show ingenuity and reaction speed – another successful moment in the level design. And if the beginning of the campaign may seem a little bland, then the second half compensates for this with many spectacular scenes. It is clear that the developers approached the design with imagination and care for the diversity of the gameplay.
The plot of the single-player campaign does not impress with its depth, but the presentation of the gameplay is thought out to the smallest detail: the difficulty increases gradually, the character gets new abilities, and the mechanics are revealed from different sides. In the end, the game leaves a pleasant impression – even if the story is not particularly gripping, the process itself is enjoyable.
The Frontier is Worth Fighting For
It’s worth diving into Jack Cooper’s story not only for the great adventure, but also to avoid being a lost newbie when you first get into dynamic online battles. It’s easy to feel out of place when looking at the many slots for pilot and titan equipment. However, after completing the story campaign, you’ll at least be aware of how many combat vehicles there are. There are six of them, and each titan is tailored to its own playstyle.
- “Ronin” is a master of close combat, instantly closing in on the enemy and ripping them to pieces with his sword.
- “Nordstar” is a sniper who prefers to attack from long distances.
- “Tone” is a versatile fighter who combines defense and powerful damage.
- “Legion” is a heavyweight with a machine gun, ideal for holding positions.
- “Ion” uses energy weapons and advanced technology.
- “Scorch” is a fire lover, able to control the battlefield with flamethrower traps.
Unlike the first part, in Titanfall 2 each titan is strictly tied to its role: now the vortex shield is available only to one class, and the weapon and special ability of each mech are fixed by default. You won’t be able to unlock all the titans at once — at first you will have only three at your disposal, and the rest will have to be earned by completing challenges. And there are plenty of challenges here: after each match, you are literally bombarded with a list of achievements that you didn’t even know about. The progression system is made wisely: there is always something to improve in your arsenal, so leveling up doesn’t seem like a chore. Not only the pilot, but also each titan and even individual types of weapons gain experience, and their effectiveness grows as they are used.
There are tons of customization options. Not sure about your accuracy? Take the EPU, a weapon that hits targets in a small area. Need more speed? The Stimulator skill will allow you to rush around the battlefield faster than most opponents. Each weapon can be improved with modules, titans can be equipped with modifiers, and pilots can be equipped with boosts.
- “Pincers”, which automatically find enemies, leave them with almost no chance if used correctly.
- “Hack the Map” gives too much advantage to a team of well-coordinated players, compared to “Pulse Blade”, which operates in a limited area.
While the pilot customization feels balanced, I would like more variety with the Titan modifications. Many upgrade sets do not provide a tangible advantage, and the ejection system is no longer surprising. In the early stages of multiplayer, you can encounter an unpleasant situation: a newbie goes into battle and sees “Legion” on the field – a titan that opens only after dozens of hours of play. Of course, the balancing takes into account the team composition, but this does not make it easier for an inexperienced player.
Dynamics and gameplay: speed is everything
Online battles in Titanfall 2 work according to a familiar scheme: pilots start the battle empty-handed, and having earned enough points, they can call their titan from the sky. The appearance of a combat machine dramatically changes the balance of power – its power cannot be underestimated. Therefore, the faster you call the steel giant and the longer it stays in the ranks, the greater the chances of victory. Pilots are fragile, but incredibly fast. Double jump with a jetpack, running on walls, sliding – familiar Titanfall mechanics work like clockwork. Now they have a grappling hook in their arsenal, which allows you to cling to objects and instantly change position. This greatly expands tactical possibilities, especially on maps with vertical gameplay. Although it was not without a small imbalance – some levels turned out to be too linear, which is why the pilot’s maneuverability feels limited.
Battles between pilots and titans have become a little more strategic. It is now more difficult to destroy an enemy mech alone – you can’t just jump on its back and shoot it. Instead, the pilot pulls out an energy battery, causing minor damage. But if you pass it to an allied titan, it will receive a boost to its “health”. This innovation encourages players to work together as a team and makes the interaction between infantry and machines more meaningful.
The game modes in Titanfall 2 have mostly migrated from the first part. The classic “Extermination” still requires you to destroy enemies, among which there are also fighters controlled by AI. In “Bounty Hunt”, you need to not only earn points, but also hand them over to the team bank in time. An interesting point: if the enemy is carrying a solid amount of money, you can eliminate him and take the loot. This adds excitement to the battles. At level six, the Colosseum opens up — a one-on-one duel in a confined space. A great way to test your skills without distractions.
The developers from Respawn Entertainment did not radically change the successful Titanfall formula, but only added new details. The interaction between pilots and titans has become deeper, a well-developed customization and leveling system has appeared. And now there is a single-player campaign — although the plot does not shine with originality, it is completed in one breath. Titanfall 2 remains an excellent choice for fans of dynamic online shooters. If you like high-speed battles, acrobatics on walls and powerful combat vehicles, you should definitely not pass by this game.
Titanfall 2 System Requirements
How to play Titanfall 2 for free on Steam via VpeSports
If you want to dive into the exciting world of Titanfall 2, but don’t want to spend money, we have great news! Now you have the opportunity to play this dynamic game for free via the free steam account service. You don’t need to look for dubious methods or wait for sales – just connect to existing accounts and go to the battle of titans.
First, create an account on VpeSports, which will give you access to the game library. After logging in, go to the steam free account section, where you will find a list of available accounts with downloaded games. Find Titanfall 2 among the offers, open its review page and click on the download button – there you will receive step-by-step instructions on how to access. After immersing yourself in dynamic shootouts and controllable titans, leave a review on the game page. All comments are moderated, so if yours does not appear immediately, just adjust it according to our recommendations. As soon as it is approved, our moderators will send you login details to the email you specified during registration.
Our Telegram is free games and support responds promptly here. Here you will find all the latest information, notifications about new giveaways and get the opportunity to easily log into your account to play Titanfall 2 without any restrictions.
If you have any difficulties, do not worry. We have prepared a detailed guide that will help you understand all the nuances. Take a look at the section How to play for free – step-by-step instructions on our website and follow the recommendations. Hurry up to go into epic battles, pilot giant battle titans and prove that you are the best pilot on the battlefield!
Great game
Love vpesports
titanfall is goddd, thanks
Lost chance to be a better game
I really love this game i would have played it like 10 times
great game to owned i play on EA app with battlefield series I hope to exercise new game like that
Thanks for this amazing game i can’t wait to play it
One of the best action games based in mecha world!
lets start new journey with new game
ı lıke it best game ever !!!
Amazing site! The guides and giveaways are a nice touch!