The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Review

What is Skyrim? It is freedom in all its glory. It is the feeling of endless spaces, where you decide who to become and where to go. It is a return to those forgotten feelings, when one game could captivate you for hundreds of hours, and you did not regret it for a second.

If you have been following the Elder Scrolls series for a long time, then getting to know the fifth part will not only be a pleasant experience for you, but perhaps even a surprise. All the fears that could have arisen after the controversial Oblivion disappear without a trace. Everything is done with soul here – the way it should be. The world lives its own life, the atmosphere immerses you completely, and the adventures drag you on until the very end.

In spirit, Skyrim is closer to the great Morrowind – a game that once set the standard for fantasy worlds. And if it is difficult for us to hide our emotions, we will still try to be objective. Although, to be honest, this is unlikely to affect the final assessment – after all, Skyrim deserves the highest praise.

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You don’t play The Elder Scrolls – you immerse yourself in it. You don’t just complete quests here, you live among mountain ranges, wander along snowy roads, explore ancient ruins and have endless dialogues with locals. Skyrim fits this concept perfectly – so much so that it’s easy to forget about time, completely dissolving in its world. At some point, the storyline ceases to be important – it’s much more interesting to simply walk through dense forests, climb mountains, descend into mysterious dungeons and admire cities worked out to the smallest detail. And then you realize that you’ve been looking at snow-capped peaks and the reflection of the northern lights in the water for several hours. And this is an integral part of the gameplay.

But Skyrim is not only about beauty. Here you can join guilds, be it Thieves, Mages or Warriors, enter into a confrontation between the Imperial Legion and the Stormcloaks, or simply become a wandering adventurer. The hero is a former prisoner, chosen by fate. The world around him lives its own life: random passers-by every now and then throw casual remarks like “Don’t keep me, I don’t have time for chatter”, and then mark time in one place for hours, imitating vigorous activity. This is already a kind of tradition in games of this scale, but, strangely enough, such trifles only add to their charm.

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The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Review by VpeSports

Guilds in The Elder Scrolls are a separate layer of history. Here you can serve several factions at once, with the exception of those that are at war with each other. Having joined the Imperial Legion, you will have to forget about the sympathies of the Stormcloaks forever, and vice versa. But in addition to this, you can always find a place among the Companions (the local analogue of the Fighters Guild), become a hired killer in the Dark Brotherhood, try yourself in the Thieves Guild or master magic in the College of Winterhold. For example, secondary quests often boil down to a template scheme: “Go to the dungeon, kill everyone, bring me an artifact, get a reward.” But who will seriously complain about this when the gameplay itself is so addictive? When the whole world, as if by agreement, fills social networks with enthusiastic statuses: “I invested 300 hours, got married, bought a house, advanced 5% in the plot.”

Skyrim is beautiful. It doesn’t have the harsh color palette of Oblivion. The province is filled with atmospheric cities, picturesque valleys, rugged cliffs and forests that look like real ones. Trees with detailed branches, bears, wolves, hares and deer – the world seems alive. And the water! Bethesda was clearly proud of the work with fluid physics, because the game has an incredible number of rivers, waterfalls and turbulent streams. Snow is a separate story. It lies in a soft layer across the province, gradually accumulating to the north. And blizzards! Never before has digital snow looked so realistic. The Elder Scrolls has always been famous for its atmosphere, but in Skyrim this bar is raised to a new level.

At first glance, it seems that the engine has remained the same as in Oblivion. But in fact, it is the Creation Engine – a Bethesda development created specifically for Skyrim. Yes, it is reminiscent of previous versions in many ways, but the lighting and color palette have become much more pleasing to the eye. Each frame is like an illustration from a Scandinavian legend. Skyrim is not just a game, but a real adventure that draws you in. And while the world continues to go crazy about this universe, there remains only one question: are you there yet?

The Majestic World of Skyrim

If Skyrim is more than just a way to immerse yourself in a meditative state with a soothing soundtrack, you’ll definitely find something to do. Of course, you shouldn’t expect a revolution in the gameplay – the mechanics here are familiar, but this doesn’t make them boring at all.

The Majestic World of Skyrim

The ability to fight with both hands adds depth and freedom to battles. Want to become a merciless living meat grinder? Take a sword in each hand and crush enemies without thinking twice. Do you like magic? No problem – one spell in your right hand, another in your left, and now you’re healing and releasing lightning at the same time. And if you want balance, you can combine magic with weapons – say, a sword in one hand and fireballs in the other.

Powerful blows are especially useful at close range. To do this, simply press the attack button while moving, and your Dragonborn will deliver a powerful blow – much like a seasoned paratrooper breaking bricks with his forehead.

Combat System: Swords, Magic, and Spectacular Finishing Moves in Skyrim

In the world of Skyrim, you can not only fight, but also master peaceful professions. For example, blacksmithing. But now everything is much more serious: first, we mine ore with a pickaxe (without it, alas, the work stops), then we smelt the raw materials into ingots, work with leather and only after that we create weapons and armor. Don’t like the prospect of becoming a blacksmith? Then welcome to the ranks of woodcutters – the provinces always need people who can handle an axe. The role-playing system has undergone changes for the sake of flexibility. The division into classes is now quite conditional: do you want to become a great magician with dark intentions? It is enough to put on a long robe with a hood (necessarily for intimidation) and focus on developing the necessary skills. No hidden bonuses for the chosen path – only your decisions and their consequences.

System Requirements for The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim

They decided to remove the acrobatics and athletics system, and this is logical: now the hero will not be able, as in Morrowind, to easily jump onto the roofs of houses in Balmora and drive the guards to a nervous breakdown, running away from them along thick stone fences. The main parameters – health, magic and endurance – can be pumped up with each level increase. Mysticism was removed from the list of schools of magic – an insignificant loss, but witchcraft fights became more interesting. The visual effects of spells look amazing, and if you assign powerful spells to both hands, even an ordinary fight with a bear turns into a real light performance.

But most of all we liked fighting with swords. A spectacular system of finishing moves, well-chosen angles – all this makes the fight truly spectacular. In Oblivion (and even more so in Morrowind) fights resembled chaotic poking at each other with iron bars. Yes, there was blood, but there was a lack of weight and recoil. It’s like in Modern Warfare 3 or Homefront: the weapon is powerful, but shooting is like a water pistol. In Skyrim, everything is different: the animations are well-developed, and the sound of the weapon is tactilely enjoyable. And before the finishing blow, the hero makes such an expressive pause that sometimes you even feel sorry for the enemy.

The Case of Dragons in Skyrim

This time, we decided to put off the conversation about the plot twists for later. That is, for now. Yes, again, the hero is a chosen lucky one who miraculously manages to escape a terrible fate. To lose your head in the literal sense is not just to serve time in prison and win the trust of the king in five minutes. The prologue of Skyrim is the best in the series, without a doubt. In just a few moments, you will find yourself in the thick of things: you will see a merciless execution, witness a dragon attack and, of course, run away furiously under the deafening roar of collapsing walls. And what next? Dragons. The Dragonborn. Dragon cries. Dragon bones for armor. Dragons attacking villages, dragon souls, dragon speech… In general, if someone still thinks that Todd Howard did not sufficiently develop the “dragon” theme in the game, let him try jumping from the fifth floor in armor molded from papier-mâché.

Today’s level of technology and the accumulated experience of developers allow you to immerse yourself much deeper into history. In the early parts of The Elder Scrolls, you were fed tales about the Great Evil, the true purpose of the hero and the inevitable bloody denouement. But it often seemed that all the significant events were happening somewhere on the side. We were simply presented with a fact: “Well, that’s it, there was just an epic battle! And now you are important, you are needed! Come, we will show you what to do.”

The Case of Dragons in Skyrim

In Skyrim, everything is different. There are dragons spitting fire, and chases, and ancient prophecies, and voices sounding from the heavens. You can even become a werewolf! There are also sea battles, showdowns with pirates, intrigues, betrayals and a large-scale civil war. In this game, there is almost no division into “main” and “side” quests – each plot twist brings something unique, and all tasks fit organically into the general context of the revival of dragons. But the main thing is that this world is truly alive. It is beautiful, mysterious and full of adventures. Here you can not only fight, carry out assignments and hunt bears. You can get married, master a peaceful profession, buy a house. And then sharpen your sword, wrap yourself up warmly, hire a cart and go on a long journey. And if you have friends who are disappointed in games and grumble that “it was better before”, just show them Skyrim. They will definitely come back.

  • Pros: This world captivates you from the very first step: majestic landscapes, sinister dead, fascinating stories and dragons that really seem alive. The battles are dynamic and spectacular, and the flexible leveling system allows you to develop your character to suit your style. The musical accompaniment is atmospheric, in the best traditions of the series, and the optimization pleases with its smoothness. Well, yes, where else can you become a real werewolf?
  • Cons: Seriously? And do you really think that the main contender for “Game of the Year” can have any flaws?

System Requirements for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirements
OS: Windows 7/8.1/10 (64-bit) OS: Windows 10 (64-bit)
Processor: Intel i5-750 or AMD Phenom II X4-945 Processor: Intel i5-2400 or AMD FX-8320
Memory: 8 GB RAM Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 470 1GB / AMD HD 7870 2GB Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 780 3GB / AMD R9 290 4GB
DirectX: Version 11 DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 12 GB available space Storage: 12 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Sound Card Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Sound Card

How to Play The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for Free on Steam with VpeSports

For millennia, dragons were just a myth… until one day, they returned. Will you answer the call of destiny and gain the power of the Dragonborn? Now you have the opportunity to jump into The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim without spending a dime! All you need to do is register on VpeSports and check out steam account free. There you will find a list of available accounts, among which you will find Skyrim. Go to the overview page, follow the simple instructions, and you will be standing at the gates of Whiterun, ready for legendary achievements.

Every word spoken changes the fate of the world, and your feedback matters too! By leaving a comment on the Skyrim review, you will not only help other adventurers, but also speed up the process of obtaining a game account. Remember that each review is moderated, so if your comment is not approved, try to correct it in accordance with our recommendations. Once the review is complete, details of access to the game will be sent to your email.

How to Play The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim for Free on Steam with VpeSports

Are you eager to enter the ancient halls of the Nord kings and conquer the peaks of High Hrothgar as soon as possible? Telegram with free games! Support chat is always online here. Here you will find the latest news, updates, travel tips and, of course, access to the game.

If you think that even Barenziah with her legendary adventures would have faced fewer difficulties than you, do not worry – on our website there is a detailed guide How to play for free. There you will find all the step-by-step instructions that will help you overcome any obstacles on the way to great achievements. Immerse yourself in the world of Skyrim – explore old shrines, fight dragons, join the Brotherhood of Shadows or make your way through guilds and royal intrigues. The fate of Skyrim is in your hands!

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51 thoughts on “The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

  1. It’s really a nice game, I like open world games and it is a game in which players can choose their own path which shapes their journey also the combat is good in this game.

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