Spore once had the working title Sim Everything, but then it was renamed — the developers wanted to keep the intrigue. And it’s no surprise, because this is not just a civilization simulator, not even a planet, but an entire universe! It all starts at the very bottom of evolution. You are a tiny amoeba splashing around in a primeval ocean. The fight for survival is in full swing: eat the weaker ones, dodge predators and gradually grow. At this point, Spore resembles arcade classics like Pac-Man. But you won’t have to remain a microscopic creature for long — your species evolves, acquires new organs, abilities and ambitions.
Over time, the amoeba turns into a complex organism, and the gameplay itself changes — now it’s an action/RPG, where every click brings you closer to new opportunities. Have you acquired additional limbs? Great! Have you learned a new skill? Even better! So, step by step, life comes out onto dry land, settles in, develops and becomes more complex. Millions of years pass (in game time, of course), and now you have under your command not a pack of wild animals, but an entire civilization. Now Spore resembles Populous: you need to build cities, develop the economy, push science forward. Your wards create a state, invent religions (or maybe several at once), contact other races, fight, extract resources – classic Civilization in all its glory.
Table of Contents
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It so happened that a meteorite fell on a lifeless planet one day. But not a simple one, but with a surprise – inside it lurked a tiny but ambitious organism. For now, it is just a big-eyed worm, clumsily wriggling in search of food. But one day it will grow, develop and, perhaps, become the founder of a new civilization. In the meantime, its world is an endless hunt for food. Spore is a journey from a microscopic creature to a space race capable of colonizing distant planets. Despite the grandeur of the plan, you can go through this path in just a few hours. But each stage is a separate mini-game with its own mechanics and challenges. At the very beginning, we decide on a diet: should we be a peaceful herbivore or a ruthless predator. Then the search for building material for future evolution begins.
The first stage resembles flOw: a flat two-dimensional world along which more developed creatures glide. Predators can simply attack the weaker ones and feast on them, and herbivores have to be cunning – look for plankton and escape from toothy pursuers. But in the end, everyone has one goal – to find a partner. Having sung a special mating call (reminiscent of the ultrasound from ancient Ecco), we go to the main creative space of the game – the creature editor.
So much stuff! Eyes for every taste, tails, mouths, fancy patterns – your imagination will run wild. For those who like thoughtful solutions, Spore will more likely resemble an interactive coloring book than a blank canvas for creativity. Here, the details are not just decorations. Fins help to accelerate (to catch up with lunch or not to become someone’s dinner), spikes will come in handy in battles for precious plankton. But you will have to pay for such evolutionary bonuses – not with money, but with genetic material. When the reserves run out, our ward is forced to return to survival, and at the same time noticeably grows. Yesterday’s hooligans already seem like a trifle. The game forums are seething: this is the most exciting stage of the game. But, alas, the shortest. The developers decided to do without the water stage, so then we are immediately transferred to land.
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Stage One. Cell
A meteorite fell on the distant, lifeless planet Lupa. It would seem like an ordinary space rock, but it became a spark for the birth of life. The first tiny cells began their journey – among them were both peaceful herbivores and predators. Of course, I chose the path of a predator – it is easier to survive at the beginning of the game. (And, of course, keep in mind the bonus to spices for neutral behavior!) Life in the ocean was in full swing: larger creatures were scurrying around, ready to get out on land at any moment, and I – a tiny blue creature with pimpled eyes – peacefully ate the red lumps of carrion around me. But I did not have time to bask for long. I see the first enemy. Instincts take over. I fly straight to his juicy body. Click! The beak snapped shut – and the enemy is gone.
This stage is the easiest. Here you don’t need anything except food and the ability to run away from your more toothy neighbors in time. I ate, grew, ate again, and now more individuals of my species are appearing in the ocean. An excellent sign: evolution is moving in the right direction. Gradually, the background of the sea depths becomes less transparent – increasingly larger creatures appear around. Some are frightening in their size, others just blow bubbles. Sometimes you come across powerups – pieces of DNA that you can “try on” by upgrading your body. Having collected several of these, I went in search of a pair for reproduction. I didn’t have to go far: a suitable candidate was swimming in the neighboring stream. We exchanged funny grimaces, and now the creature creation editor opens in front of me.
I wanted something more impressive: I change the color to an aggressive one, attach fast wings and add three spikes to the back of the body – suddenly someone wants to attack from behind? Back to battle. I terrorize defenseless vegetarians, and run away from everyone who is bigger than me. I was unlucky once. A huge purple beast ignored my spikes and bit me in just a couple of moves. I had to start over. But there is no penalty for death – you can die as much as you like. After that incident, I played more carefully: another five minutes of hunting, a bunch of eaten meat, almost all the upgrades in my pocket – and the evolution scale was filled to capacity. A sign with congratulations, transition to the next stage… Forward, towards a new stage of development!
Stage two. Creature
Our species is taking its first steps towards intelligence. We already have a cozy nest where the little cubs are growing up, the female is taking care of the continuation of the family line, and the leader confidently leads everyone forward. It’s time to evolve! We go into the creature editor and spend the accumulated DNA points on new improvements: add dancing and singing abilities, strengthen the bite or develop other useful skills. At this stage, my species, which I called Pupa, has changed a little again. The nest is well located – there are plenty of neighbors around us who also got out of the ocean. Being a predator is still profitable: hunting takes less time than trying to make friends. But I decided to alternate – sometimes it’s worth dancing and singing to make allies among other tribes.
We open the map, choose the nearest target and set off. Some creatures are aggressive, but this is not a problem – a couple of hits, and they will remain in the Paleozoic history. Now you can find improvements right on the ground – in the form of bones. Each such find gives a new body part that can be used. The bonuses from these improvements are already more noticeable than in the previous stage. In addition, as we accumulate evolution points, we will be allowed to control first two, and then four creatures. Few can resist such a small gang. Sometimes you come across huge creatures that you can’t make friends with – only defeat. I decided to test my strength. I gathered three allies with 29 life points each and went hunting. I didn’t find the largest monster, but I came across a hermit with 250 HP. The outcome of the fight was predictable.
While wandering around, I came across an interesting Easter egg – alien eggs. They just stand there, exuding a mysterious atmosphere. You can approach them, but you can’t interact with them. When you approach them, a huge question mark appears on the screen. A riddle that the game doesn’t give an answer to. My friendship with my neighbors didn’t work out – I didn’t have enough peaceful characteristics. As a result, I had to switch to hunting. One tribe after another disappeared into the jaws of my squad. But the big monster that I wanted to see so much never appeared. This was a bit disappointing. But suddenly a spaceship flew in and stole several of my neighbors! It ignored me and my pack – apparently, we turned out to be uninteresting prey.
According to the plot, Pupa and his family must move twice. There is no logical explanation for this, but it is most likely just a game design trick: when there are no more victims in the area, the game automatically changes the location so that we don’t get bored while searching for new prey. After that, our creature’s brain increases again, the progress bar fills up, and a reference to Kubrick’s “Space Odyssey” appears on the screen — our “monkey” picks up a bone, and a new stage begins: the tribe.
Stage three. Tribe
Here comes the fun! Of all the creatures on the planet Lupa, the Pupovtsy are the first to reach the tribe stage. At the beginning, we have only three characters under our control: one shaman and two assistants. Not enough, but over time there will be more – the main thing is to actively subjugate or befriend your neighbors. There are 12 slots for new tribe members, so the faster we expand, the better. The main task is simple: either make friends with everyone, or wipe them off the face of the planet. In addition to the Pupovtsy themselves, there are also slots for buildings – there are only six of them, but eight buildings are available. However, there is not much choice: be it a couple of warriors with torches or shamans, the difference in gameplay is minimal.
The Greens settled nearby. I decided not to waste time and went to them with songs. The rhythm game mechanics are exactly the same as in Sims Superstar – you just need to press the right instruments at the right time. At the beginning, only two wind instruments are available, but the ratchets are unlocked later. If you manage to appease your neighbors, you can gain access to their technologies and buildings. Initially, I planned peaceful development in order to level the evolution scale to a neutral position. But fate decreed otherwise. The Blues turned out to be too aggressive – during one of their raids, they almost destroyed my shaman. And most importantly – they got away with it! Enraged, I gathered all the fighters, armed them with axes and sent them to revenge. True, before the attack, I did not count my people, and there were only six of them. The result is sad – to the sad sound of the trombone, all my Pupovtsy were killed.
Stage Four. Civilization
Our tribe has grown, and now we have a city in front of us. And not just one – there are plenty of such settlements on the map, and competitors are not asleep either (although all of them, by some strange twist of fate, also belong to the Pupa clan). The economy now revolves around spices. True, there is an interesting point: at this stage they tend to run out, but in space their reserves are for some reason endless. Why is that? The question remains unanswered.
But let’s get back to our cities. You can build four types of buildings in them, although only three bring real benefit:
- Residential buildings – our Pupovtsy live here. We can’t do without them.
- Entertainment centers – increase the joy of the townspeople. After all, man lives not only by war and trade!
- Industrial enterprises – process spices, but, alas, make the residents less happy.
- Town Hall – comes with the city and simply denotes the center of power.
What is our goal? To capture all the cities and go into space. There are three ways:
- The military path. We assemble an army of all-terrain vehicles, planes and boats, and then simply hand them out to everyone left and right.
- The economic path. We lay out trade routes by buying up other people’s territories.
- The religious path. We process minds and convert the population to our faith, after which they themselves come under our control.
You can be creative with the buildings: take ready-made ones from the Maxis collection or build your own. For the town hall, I decided not to skimp and made something that would immediately let everyone know that I have serious intentions. The rest of the buildings were selected from standard options.
Stage Five. Space
The Pupovites finally enter outer space! Their rocket hurtles toward the center of the galaxy, and this moment should feel like the greatest adventure of all… but something goes wrong. I used to really like this stage – there was something mesmerizing about it. But now, looking back, I can clearly see its shortcomings: many elements seem crumpled, unfinished, and in places simply far-fetched.
- You are alone. Absolutely. No friends, allies or partners who could share the burden of tasks with you. Somewhere on a distant planet a herbivore sneezed? Congratulations, you urgently fly there to prevent an epidemic. Someone is hiding an ancient artifact worth 200,000 sporelings? I hope you have the patience to stare at the scanner for hours. Out of spice? Well, take a ship and go get a new batch. As a result, you are not the captain of an intergalactic vessel, but a lone courier on errands.
- Already by the third or fourth task, it begins to seem like the universe has broken a record. If you flew to the Bezyany, know that you will again be asked to kidnap a humanoid, collect spices, destroy someone’s city or find a relic. And that’s it. The circle closes, and after a couple of hours the game looks more like a routine than a grand space adventure.
- The maximum you can fit into the ship’s hold is 99 units of each spice. If you have the most valuable, purple spice, then you simply won’t be able to earn more than 6 million at a time. This amount is enough for traveling the stars, but not for terraforming. At the same time, there is simply no spice production timer. The screen says that the plant produces 72 units per hour. But what is this “hour”? Real or in-game? The developers leave this question unanswered. As a result, the game turns into a session game: fly around the domain, collect the loot, sell it, leave. No strategy, no subtleties of economics – only mechanical repetition of actions.
- All your decisions in the early stages of the game have almost no effect on the ending. Yes, if you fought with everyone, in space you will also be treated as an aggressor. But, in essence, it doesn’t change anything: if you want to be friendly, if you want to become a bloodthirsty pirate, the game will still lead you to the same outcome. So what’s the point of this whole evolution system with mini-bonuses if it doesn’t solve anything?
SPORE System Requirements
System Requirements for SPORE
Find out the minimum and optimal system requirements for smooth, high FPS gameplay in Spore on PC. Check if your computer is suitable or if you need to upgrade your CPU, GPU, and RAM. Also find out if Spore can run on a weak laptop or desktop.
How to Play Spore for Free on VpeSports
Want to create unique civilizations and go from the simplest organism to the galactic ruler without spending a penny? Then you are here! VpeSports will help you go on an exciting journey through the worlds of Spore absolutely free. With our Shared Steam service, you have the opportunity to access accounts with the game already installed – all that remains is to plunge into the process of evolution!
To start your adventure, visit the VpeSports website and create an account. Then go to the Free Steam Account section, where you will find a list of available accounts. Find Spore, open the review page and follow the simple steps to access the game. We value your feedback, so do not forget to leave a positive comment under the review! Please note that all comments are moderated – if yours does not appear immediately, just correct it in accordance with our rules. After approval, the moderator will send the account data to your registered email.
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If you encounter any hiccups along the way, don’t worry! A comprehensive guide is available on our website at the following link: How to Play for Free – Detailed Instructions! Gear up, strategize, and immerse yourself in the tactical world of Spore!
A very good indie game and fun to play
A very good indie game and fun to play
huh i played this game about 10 years ago
This game is good for the years
i really want to play this iconic game <3 <3
in this game you can make some monsters and thats is amazing
Funny and scary popular game
i really want to play this iconic game <3 <3<3<3<3<3