Far Cry 6

Far Cry 6

A month ago, I spent six hours in Far Cry 6 and was absolutely delighted – the game seemed like a real concentrate of crazy fun. Now, after 40 hours, my opinion has changed: this concentrate turned out to be too diluted. The island is huge, the map is three times larger than in Far Cry 5, but the essence, by and large, remains the same – eliminate generals, capture outposts, rob caravans. And here’s what I don’t understand: the developers spend a lot of resources on creating the game, put a hefty price tag on it, but instead of giving out 10-20 hours of truly action-packed gameplay, they smear cool features across a giant map and fill it with monotonous side effects. Quantity will never replace quality!

But in fairness, this time Ubisoft at least made it so that all the routine can be safely ignored. And what’s surprising is that some of the side quests are so cool that they’re worth the effort to free Yara. The Mortal Kombat-style cockfights alone are too valuable a find to leave to an evil dictator!

If you want to dive into an open world with a crazy cult and complete freedom of action, try downloading Far Cry 5.

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A classic of the genre – that’s how you can describe the plot. We have a tropical island of Yara, a brutal dictator Anton Castillo who holds it with an iron fist, and the main character Dani Rojas who dreams of escaping to the USA. Of course, the plan doesn’t work on the first try. As a result, Dani has to turn the island upside down, make friends with local rebels and arrange a total “impeachment” of Castillo – with fire, explosions and guerrilla attacks. Ubisoft promised a grandiose drama with deep moral dilemmas, political subtext and an unforgettable antagonist. In reality, it turned out… not quite like that. The series has always been famous for charismatic villains, but Castillo is more of a template dictator from a political science textbook. He is calculating, cruel, completely devoid of any attractive features. Even the participation of Giancarlo Esposito does not save the situation. As talented an actor as he was, he was given exactly what was written in the script: “an evil and arrogant tyrant.” And that’s what he played – without revelations, without surprises.

But okay, such a character could have fit into the story well if Ubisoft had maintained a unified tone of the narrative. However, a realistic villain finds himself in a world where:

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  • tamed crocodiles run around in vests,
  • a disabled dachshund on wheels distracts enemies,
  • the main character arranges air races with a trained pelican.

And in the middle of this chaos, there’s the serious, pompous Castillo, lecturing on politics.

It could have been interesting if the game had actually tried to touch on complex issues. But in the end, we have a classic “bad tyrant” versus “good rebels.” No ambiguity. In theory, Castillo has a noble goal – he wants to make Yara rich by producing a cure for cancer. But in every cutscene, he either tortures someone, or kills them, or enslaves them. In the end, he looks less like Darth Vader and more like Emperor Palpatine, who is also trying to sway his son – I mean, son! – to the dark side. The rebels also try to look like complex characters, but it doesn’t work out that way. They might say something like: “After the dictator is overthrown, a civil war will begin, blood will flow…” – but it doesn’t go beyond that. Stop and think? No, thanks.

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And it would be fine with the plot, but even Dani’s comrades in the fight are not particularly memorable. There are many of them, they flicker before your eyes, but only the old revolutionaries remain in your memory – experienced, cynical, with character. The young fighters of Libertat are walking ideals, who lack only halos above their heads. Although, what is nice is that Dani Rojas himself has at least some character. True, it jumps around as chaotically as the plot itself. At the beginning of the game, Dani firmly declares: “I don’t want to fight, I want to get out to the USA.” Half an hour passes – and he already cheerfully declares: “Why not stay? Let’s knock down Castillo!” Another hour later, Dani finally turns into a typical “party man”, who is always positive, agrees with everyone (except for outright bastards) and is ready to participate in any adventure.

Far Cry 6: Madness, Guns, and Chorizo ​​in a Wheelchair

As soon as you take control, your brain automatically switches on the reflexes developed over the years in the previous parts of the series. Even those that have become dusty since Far Cry 3 suddenly wake up. It feels like you’ve returned to your native village nine years later, only your grandmother doesn’t live in the middle zone, but somewhere in the tropics. There are jungles, beaches, and a slight nostalgia all around… The cars on the roads have changed (but some stubbornly have the same indestructible “Zhiguli”), the architecture has transformed, and some people have painted their palm trees orange for some reason. It seems like a lot has changed, but the feeling of déjà vu remains: you already know where you’ll meet your allies, and around which corner it’s best to keep your machine gun at the ready.

Camp in Far Cry 6

And here it is – the familiar feeling when the mission requires you to set a fire in a field. Once it was a marijuana plantation, now it’s tobacco. But the essence is the same: burn to the ground, watching as the flames devour someone else’s business.

The same gameplay, but with a turbocharger

The game formula has remained almost unchanged: a huge map, divided into regions, each of which has its own boss. To get to the main villains, you need to clear outposts according to the old scheme, arrange sabotage on the ground and in the air, capture bases and periodically watch how the antagonists shake with impotent rage in cutscenes. So that the player does not die of boredom, walking around the huge Yara, realism has finally been retired. Its place has been taken by a convenient gameplay service, thanks to which Dani moves around the island with the agility of Sonic. You can instantly call a personal car to any point, which the rebel delivers, appearing like a ghost rider. Without unnecessary questions, he will give you the keys and disappear. Aviation works a little more complicated, but not much: it is enough to fire an EMP gun, and the enemy helicopter will obediently plop down next to you. The same trick works with tanks (yes, there are tanks in Far Cry 6!). One discharge – and now it’s a revolutionary vehicle, the crew of which is “rewarded” with lead bonuses.

In terms of weapons, Far Cry is now closer to GTA than to harsh reality. The limit on the number of guns has been removed altogether: Dani carries around a whole arsenal, managing to hide it all in an oversized bag. Stuff an RPG in there — and you can easily pass through any checkpoint. Not a single soldier will even pay attention! But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The Supremo jetpack, which sticks out behind your back, doesn’t bother anyone at all. Although, if I were a soldier, I wouldn’t risk picking on a man with a mini-rocket launcher either.

far cry 6 review

Supremo is not just a backpack, but an ultimate weapon with a long reload. The first in our arsenal is the Exterminador, which fires homing missiles at nearby targets, turning them into dust. Want more fire? Please, change your backpack to the Furioso, which also gives you the ability to make double jumps. True, with each such somersault he sends a stream of flame under his feet, turning everything around into a barbecue. Including his partners, civilians and random chickens, for whose death, fortunately, no one will be fined.

The price of chaos

But not everything is so unpunished. On Yar, you can easily deal with civilians, but going overboard with killing soldiers is punishable. If you cause too much carnage, El Presidente activates the “alarm mode”: special forces, helicopters, tanks and everything that is in the dictator’s arsenal are sent to you. Sounds interesting, but in reality it is rather annoying. This does not make the game more difficult, but turns any noisy passage into a boring shooting gallery with constant reinforcements. Do you like to effectively burst into outposts with a machine gun at the ready? Get ready to shoot even more. Enemies will call for reinforcements, and then an elite squad will join them. You can, of course, hide in the bushes and wait until the alarm scale goes down … but this is no longer about the freedom of choice that Far Cry always boasted.

far cry 6 gameplay

Comrades in arms are also interesting, but they are of little use in battle. Here they are called Amigo, and they are all animals: two dogs, a panther, a crocodile, and even a fighting rooster. They behave better in stealth than in open combat. For example, the dachshund Chorizo ​​in a wheelchair does not hide at all. The creaking of his wheels can be heard from a kilometer away, but instead of giving away his position, he distracts enemies with his cuteness. While the soldiers are touched, you sneak up on them with your machete.

But the predators are more for fun than for practical use. They also take a long time to level up. For example, Guapo, a veteran crocodile:

  • To unlock one of his abilities, you need to get 50 kills.
  • This takes up almost 40% of the game.
  • At the same time, Dani does not comment on what is happening, which is a missed opportunity for funny lines.

It would be much more fun if the rebel somehow reacted to this madness. For example, he would shout: “Guapo! Put down the soldier’s leg! He doesn’t deserve it!”

Camp in Far Cry 6: Why it’s worth (or not worth) upgrading it

When our partisan is not running around the jungle with a gun at the ready, he has rare moments of peace. And what does he do during this time? Of course, he works. Only now as a builder.

Far Cry: New Dawn inherited the base construction system from the sixth part, but this time it was made optional – and that’s good. You no longer need to drag junk from all over Yara to build a new barracks for the sake of advancing the plot. However, a little upgrade of the camp can make life much easier. For example, the “Network of Shelters” opens access to a wingsuit and new fast travel points – without them, crossing a giant island becomes tiring. Or you can set up a field kitchen and exchange the meat of local fauna (from crocodiles to rodents) for healthy dishes. For example, having a snack of fried hutia (a small animal resembling a hamster), you will increase the amount of ammunition you can carry for an entire hour. Logical? Well, apparently the developers think so.

But building isn’t the only entertainment in the camp. Each shelter has its own mini-games, and some of them are really good. Take the cockfights, which I already mentioned. These aren’t just fistfights for birds, but a real fighting game in the spirit of Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat: with dodges, special moves, and even its own selection of fighters. There are as many as 19 of them in the game, but first you still need to find them. Each one has a description – almost a full biography. It will be funny if in a year all this develops into a separate game, as happened with Gwent. Imagine: a story campaign, well-thought-out combos for each rooster, eSports tournaments, players thoroughly studying the mechanics of El Kuro… Madness? Possibly.

Far Cry 6 Madness, Guns, and Chorizo ​​in a Wheelchair

But if cockfights seem barbaric, you can just ignore them – as well as all side activities in general. There is no coercion here. If you want, just pass by. You can even leave outposts alone, unless you need a new gun. Unlike Far Cry 5, in the sixth part there is no regional resistance scale that needs to be filled in order to activate the main quest. From the second half of the game, I simply moved along the plot, destroying only random checkpoints and anti-aircraft guns that prevented me from taking off. And this was quite enough: there were enough resources to upgrade weapons, the level grew quickly enough, and the enemies in the story missions did not cause problems.

But if you stick your nose in the wrong place, you can quickly run into elite fighters who will immediately put you in your place. Moreover, cleared outposts are not a panacea here. All because of a rather strange leveling system, which sometimes creates the feeling that they just want to put you in your place and remind you who is the boss here.

Far Cry 6 Ranks, Weapons, and Paid Content – Is It Worth the Candle?

Ubisoft has decided to experiment with the rank system again, despite the fact that in Far Cry: New Dawn it managed to cause a fit of righteous anger among players. Apparently, realizing the scale of discontent, the developers cut the functionality, but now the ranks look not so much annoying as simply meaningless.

The trick is that leveling up in Far Cry 6 is closely linked to equipment, and the rank itself gives almost nothing. The hero does not become stronger, does not acquire any new skills – he only gets a slightly smaller penalty for damage when shooting at more advanced opponents. Sounds like a small bonus, but there is a catch! It would be logical that after increasing the rank, you can return to that cool guy who smeared you on the asphalt at the beginning of the game, and finally take revenge. But no! Even if you are a colonel general, even a god of war, all the same soldier will again be higher in level than you and will smear you again. Why is that? Thanks to auto-leveling, a mechanic that Ubisoft has been actively promoting since Assassin’s Creed: Origins. The more you play the game, the stronger the enemies become. The result? You are always in the role of a catch-up, and leveling up loses all meaning.

Far Cry 6 Ranks, Weapons,

Weapons also did not escape ranks. True, this time without outright madness – a level 4 gun does not turn into a weapon of mass destruction, as it did in New Dawn. Donation, at first glance, does not put pressure on either: having bought a weapon for real money, you will not receive superpowers. However, Ubisoft approached the issue more gracefully. If you want to go wild, you can settle a Soviet tank “Mishka” in the garage, and creepy hellish horses in the stable. This does not affect the balance in any way: the “Mishka” is no better in characteristics than standard Yara tanks. But it looks so that your hand automatically reaches for the wallet.

Ubisoft has selected skins and vehicles to tempt even the most staunch opponents of microtransactions:

  • Elite armor and clothing: iconic costumes from Assassin’s Creed, Blood Dragon and other franchises.
  • Exclusive weapons: unique models with custom design.
  • Rare vehicles: Soviet tank, fire horses and other exclusive vehicles.
  • Spectacular cosmetic items: paint jobs, masks, backpacks with interesting visual effects.

And now for the most insidious part. The skins in the store are really cool — not only visually, but also thematically. Assassin’s hood? Check. Soviet WWII soldier’s uniform? Please. Take a seasonal jacket — get a futuristic outfit from Blood Dragon. Yes, the cyberpunk-style suit looks strange against the backdrop of Latin American slums, but the weapons in this style look chic. Especially when local guerrillas are running around with the “inventions” of gunsmith Juan, assembled literally from trash. In such company, the “Cobracon” sniper rifle from Blood Dragon looks like a real work of art.

But there is a nuance: some things from the store give real game advantages. For example:

  • Soviet soldier pants: three passive bonuses instead of one.
  • Automatic equipment repair: tanks and helicopters are repaired right in battle.
  • Additional weapon characteristics: unique effects that are not available in free versions.

So Ubisoft did not greedily pull money for every gun and armor, but set up the milking machine so that you yourself would want to pay it. Not by force, but because the exclusive gear looks too tempting.

Far Cry 6 System Requirements

Basic (Minimum) Specs Optimal (Recommended) Specs
Operating System: 64-bit Windows 10 OS: Windows 10, 64-bit
CPU: Intel Core i5-4460 / AMD Ryzen 3 1200 Processor: Ryzen 5 3600X from AMD / Intel Core i7-7700
RAM: 8GB Memory Memory: 16 GB RAM
GPU: NVIDIA GTX 960 / AMD Radeon RX 460 Graphics Card: NVIDIA RTX 2070 Super / AMD Radeon RX 5700
DirectX Version: 12 DirectX: 12
Disk Space: HDD 60GB (SSD preferable) Storage: 60 GB SSD Required

How to play Far Cry 6 for free on Steam via VpeSports

Want to go on a revolutionary adventure, where every step is a challenge, and every shot is a chance for freedom? Far Cry 6 immerses you in a world where the fire of rebellion burns brighter than the sun over Yara. Here you will find desperate battles, dangerous missions and, of course, the legendary rooster Chicharron, ready to tear apart any enemy! And the best part is that you can start playing without any extra costs. On our VpeSports website, you will have access to shared Steam accounts that already have Far Cry 6. It’s simple: register (it will take a couple of minutes), go to the free steam account, find the game and follow the step-by-step instructions. No complications – just pure adrenaline and the revolution in full swing!

We love reading player reviews, and your opinion is really important to us. Tell us what you liked most about Far Cry 6 – jet-powered motorcycles, epic shootouts, or maybe Juan Cortez’s sarcastic comments? Leave a comment on the review page, and after moderation, we will send you login details to the email you specified during registration.

How to play Far Cry 6 for free on Steam via VpeSports

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How has Far Cry 6 changed after 40 hours of play?
What is the main flaw of antagonist Anton Castillo?
How has the gameplay changed in Far Cry 6?
How do Amido companions work and are they useful in combat?
Does the game make sense in leveling up and donating?
Try other mini games

108 thoughts on “Far Cry 6

  1. Yo this game is straight fire Been playing for 30hrs and still cant stop lol. Blowing stuff up with DIY weapons while my pet crocodile eats soldiers is peak gaming!! Giancarlo as the villain is absolutely TERRIFYING. Graphics are insane but story kinda meh after a while tbh. Still worth every penny just for the chaos That moment when you’re riding a horse blasting Macarena while launching rockets at helicopters…pure Far Cry magic. 8/10 would overthrow dictator again!!

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