Far Cry 3 Deluxe Edition

Far Cry 3 Deluxe Edition

An open world and a real passion for the game — for a long time these things went together as poorly as a dolphin and a mermaid from that very song. Developers tried, but only role-playing games like Gothic and The Elder Scrolls really succeeded. And even there, it was not so much about the “sandbox” as about carefully designed universes, into which studios invested years of work and millions of dollars. Bethesda, for example, can afford such an approach, but for others it is already more difficult.

Action games that tried to incorporate sandbox elements into themselves looked like a failed experiment for a long time. They borrowed side quests, skill trees, the ability to upgrade weapons, even conversations in a bar — but their worlds still remained artificial and quickly became boring. Two hours — and you don’t want to go back. But this year, Ubisoft finally coped with the task. Years of experiments on Assassin’s Creed and Far Cry gave results. The new parts of these series have finally become so lively and exciting that the same can be said about them as about Skyrim – you want to stay in them for a long time.

If you want to see how the series evolved, download Far Cry 2 with its dark atmosphere, realistic mechanics and dangerous world.

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Far Cry 3 managed to do something that open-world action developers could only dream of before — combine the freedom of a “sandbox” with a truly exciting and spectacular plot. Before, one of the two usually worked through force, or both elements left much to be desired. Here, the script is not just a background decoration consisting of a couple of lines. It draws you into the story, holds your attention and in places even resembles an action movie of the level of “Adrenaline”.

far cry 3 review

The comparison is more than appropriate. After all, we have before us the story of a group of carefree friends who decided to relax on a tropical island, but fell into the clutches of pirates. In an instant, the vacation turns into hell, and the heroes are in real danger: they are planned to be sold into slavery. At the same time, the plot manages to be not only tough, but also crazy, charismatic, ironic and generously seasoned with drug-induced visions. The only moment that may raise questions is how the main character, being a typical guy with no combat experience, suddenly becomes a killing machine? But if you come to terms with this assumption, then all that remains is to watch with delight what is happening on the screen.

Colorful characters are a separate pride of the game. What are at least a doctor who is too fond of mushrooms, a crazy bandit with an even crazier boss, a cunning CIA agent (or not an agent?), Indians with a mysterious priestess covered in tattoos, and a philosophizing hippie, discussing chakras and the path of a warrior. And what can we say about the tasks themselves: there is running through a minefield, and escaping from a burning building, and storming a prison, and immersion in your own visions in the spirit of Max Payne, and, of course, burning marijuana fields to a driving soundtrack.

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Hunting, fishing and greed in Far Cry 3

The main thing in this crazy action movie, balancing between postmodernism, self-irony and a slight touch of drug propaganda, is its amazing compatibility with the open world. Here, as before, you can go in any direction and just get lost in what is happening. At first glance, compared to Far Cry 2 and other sandboxes, it seems that there are not so many changes. All the same bright, juicy landscapes that make you want to escape from the gray winter outside the window. All the same side quests in the spirit of “kill, pick up, take away”, which have been going on since the days of GTA 3. Again, the war of factions, the capture of outposts and, of course, “safe houses” that serve both as a save point and a supply depot.

But if you look closely, it becomes clear: the developers have really reworked the formula. Firstly, capturing outposts now makes sense: enemies no longer respawn, and each cleared point turns into a useful transit base. Plus, radio towers have been added, opening up new parts of the map – you can’t do without them at all.

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Secondly, the world has come to life thanks to the hunting and gathering system. Now the local flora and fauna have more than just a decorative role: every blade of grass, every animal is a resource. Plants can be used to make various potions and medicines, and animals are not just part of the entourage, but a source of skins, meat and other useful things. So, whether you want it or not, you have to hunt. Without loot, you won’t even be able to properly equip yourself: a backpack, a wallet, grenade pouches – all of this is crafted from the trophies you’ve obtained. At the beginning of the game, you can’t even carry more than one weapon – want more? Skin a couple of sheep!

Here are just a few examples of why you should hunt here:

  • Boar skin can be used to make an additional slot for a weapon.
  • Deer fur increases the size of the wallet, allowing you to carry more money.
  • Leopard skin can be used to make a roomy bag for ammo.
  • Buffalo skins are useful for improving your inventory.
  • Even lizards and dogs provide resources for crafting useful items.

Thirdly, exploring the world and completing even the most monotonous tasks brings money, and it is literally worth its weight in gold here. Weapons and modifications are expensive, the difficulty increases – so you have to earn money in every possible way. Of course, theoretically you can just run through the story, ignoring hunting, gathering and other entertainment, but then the passage will become much more difficult.

And most importantly – this world is alive. Yes, this is not the level of Skyrim yet, but somewhere close: you can accidentally stumble upon abandoned temples or caves, see a tiger attacking a buffalo, a pack of dogs chasing sheep or a pimp scolding a prostitute on the outskirts of a brothel. And among the usual tasks there are really interesting and even funny moments – for example, a parody of “Romeo and Juliet”. It is these details that make the game truly exciting: a seemingly familiar sandbox, but with a bunch of little things that draw you in and do not let go.

Fun on the edge of madness

Even if Far Cry 3 didn’t have a driving plot and a living, responsive world, it would still be memorable – and all thanks to the action. Here, every encounter brings pleasure: shooting feels powerful, stealth gives room for maneuver, and the arsenal of weapons pleases with its variety – from classics like knives and pistols to exotic ones in the form of crossbows and flamethrowers. The shooting component of the game is as expressive as its story. Where else can you release an enraged tiger from a cage, which will tear your enemies apart? Or set a fire, watching as the fire spreads lightning fast, turning everything around into chaos – including yourself, if you miscalculate the distance?

Far Cry 3 managed to do something that open-world

Character development is also not limited to standard health improvements or movement speed. Three skill trees offer spectacular ways to eliminate enemies:

  • Attacks from above – you can jump from a roof or ladder directly onto your enemy.
  • Combo kills – a lightning-fast chain of attacks that leaves your enemies without a chance.
  • “Bonus” grenade – pull the pin on a defeated enemy and send them back into the ranks… literally.

The enemies don’t let you relax – they use grenades, chase you in cars, surround you. However, in stealth their intelligence leaves much to be desired: it happens that they don’t notice you even a step away from them. The picture is completed by a rich multiplayer and cooperative mode. In the cooperative mode, you will find a separate story with new colorful heroes, and in the multiplayer you can not only measure your accuracy, but also, say, throw hallucinogenic gases at enemies, forcing them to fight each other.

Far Cry 3 is an action game that gives freedom and fun on the verge of madness. And isn’t this the main reason why it is so loved?

Is Far Cry 3 Worth Playing Today? We Break Down the Pros and Cons

Far Cry 3 can easily be called one of the main contenders for the title of game of the year. Not because it has bright action, a rich world or stylish presentation – we have already seen all this in other projects. But here these elements are combined into a complete and balanced picture, creating a real adventure.

Is Far Cry 3 Worth Playing Today


  • Gripping plot
  • Charismatic characters
  • Lively and atmospheric world
  • Spectacular shootouts


  • Many similar side quests
  • Limited stealth capabilities
  • Sometimes there are bugs

Far Cry 3 Deluxe Edition System Requirements

Basic Requirements Optimal Requirements
Operating System: 64-bit Windows Vista, XP, or Windows 7 Operating System: Windows 7, 8, or 10 (64-bit)
CPU: AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ / Intel Core 2 Duo E6700 CPU: AMD Phenom II X2 565 / Intel Core i3-530
GPU: Radeon HD 2900 XT / NVIDIA 8800 GT GPU: Radeon HD 5770 / NVIDIA GTX 480
DirectX Version: 9.0c DirectX Version: 11
Available Storage: At least 15 GB Available Storage: 15 GB minimum

How to play Far Cry 3 Deluxe Edition for free on Steam via VpeSports

Do you dream of plunging back into the atmosphere of madness and freedom of Far Cry 3 Deluxe Edition without spending a penny? Now it’s possible! We offer you a chance to go to the legendary islands without buying the game – just use our access through shared Steam accounts where Far Cry 3 Deluxe Edition is already installed. All you need to do is register on VpeSports and follow a few simple steps.

After registration, take a look at our special section with free steam account. There you will find a selection of games, among which you will easily find Far Cry 3 Deluxe Edition. Go to the review page, click the download button – and you will see detailed instructions that will help you access the game without unnecessary hassle. Share your impressions in the comments, tell us about your adventures on the islands and support our project! Please note that comments are moderated – if yours does not appear immediately, just correct it a little. As soon as everything is checked, you will receive an email with a login and password.

How to play Far Cry 3 Deluxe Edition for free on Steam via VpeSports

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What makes Far Cry 3 special among other open-world games?
What contribution does hunting and gathering make to the game?
How has the open world changed compared to previous parts?
What features of the combat system make the game interesting?
Does the game have co-op and multiplayer?
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