Call of Duty: Ghosts

call of duty ghosts

Once upon a time, the name Call of Duty was associated with epic battles and revolutionary innovations in the shooter genre. Now it has turned into a kind of meme, symbolizing repetition, commercial greed and the creative crisis of the industry. It would seem that even the most cynical developers should sometimes stop and ask themselves: “Have we gone too far?” But no, again we have another “cinematic” military shooter, which is presented as a new round of evolution of the series. Again we are assured that this is a “breakthrough”. And again the player is offered to swallow the same product, only seasoned with tempting promises and beautiful special effects. This time, the burden of responsibility for a fresh round of the franchise fell on the shoulders of Infinity Ward – the studio that had to create a new chapter in the history of the series called Ghosts.

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Welcome to the realm of gaming cliches, where plot ideas have become as worn out as jeans that have survived three decades of wear. The creators of Ghosts should definitely go on a rehabilitation course – without access to keyboards and mice until they stop producing such cliched plots.

“Who is the enemy this time?” is a classic question for Call of Duty. We have already fought Islamic radicals, Russian terrorists and Nazis – we need something new. This time the choice fell on tough bearded Latinos, united in a powerful confederation, captured America, and at the same time the entire planet. The only hope for humanity is the “Ghosts”, an elite special forces unit, whose members sport terrifying masks with skulls and are armed with technology that even James Bond could only dream of.

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In addition to the global conflict, the game tries to add drama in the spirit of Black Ops 2: family ties, mentorship, patriotism. An experienced brave father teaches his sons the military craft, instilling in them a love for the work of the “Ghosts”. The boys, of course, look at him with awe and dream of repeating his exploits. But instead of a touching drama, Infinity Ward once again slides into a set of typical cliches about valiant special forces and family values.

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It becomes clear from the very beginning: one of the relatives will definitely die at the hands of the main villain, and in the finale we are waiting for pathetic retribution. The characters are walking templates, the dialogues are predictable, and patriotism flows like a river without a hint of self-irony. And when it seems that things can’t get any worse, the game throws up a completely ridiculous ending, hinting at a sequel. Because, of course, this is not the end.

Call of Duty: Ghosts – Diversity of Locations Doesn’t Save the Plot from Chaos

Infinity Ward clearly wasn’t going to give up their positions and decided to prove that their creative team was still capable of surprising. The developers set themselves the goal of making the missions as diverse as possible, and they succeeded: we are thrown into space, then into gloomy post-apocalyptic cities, and then to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. There is definitely no uniformity here, and the studio deserves credit for that. But it seems that the authors simply didn’t have time to tie all this into a logical story. Cutscenes between missions diligently try to put together disparate events into a single whole, but, to put it mildly, it doesn’t work out very well. As a result, the plot feels ragged, and in places – completely meaningless. It resembles a stream of chaotic thoughts, as if a person is trying to explain how he sees the world after a global catastrophe.

Call of Duty Ghosts - Updated Multiplayer and Extinction - Is It Worth Playing

However, if you abstract from the logic of what is happening, many ideas look really impressive. Space scenes evoke associations with “Gravity”, and during the underwater mission it is impossible to tear yourself away from the detailed sea depths. Spectacle, special effects, cinematography – everything is at the usual high level. Collapsing buildings, falling helicopters, epic explosions – in this regard, Ghosts fully complies with the standards of the series. True, we did not see any revolutionary graphic solutions, and the declared minimum system requirements seem unreasonably high.

But, despite rare successful moments, most of the gameplay feels secondary. We are again forced to go through tests that we have seen dozens of times:

  • staged stealth scenes with obligatory murders in the dark;
  • shootouts on moving trains, where enemies appear as if on a timer;
  • control of drones with the same type of tasks;
  • short episodes with tanks and helicopters, but without a hint of realism.

This could all work if the developers offered a fresh take on the established mechanics. But instead, we get a set of hackneyed techniques that are more boring than exciting.

Why is Ghosts one of the weakest parts of the series?

Sometimes it seems that the developers of Ghosts themselves did not fully understand why they were adding certain elements to the game. The game is perceived not as a complete work, but as a disparate set of ideas, collected according to the principle of “let’s screw up more”. At the same time, the key question that will haunt the player throughout the campaign is: “Why?”

For example, the long-suffering dog Riley, on whom the PR people made a serious bet. In the advertising materials, he looked like an important member of the team, but in the game itself, his role is extremely modest. During the entire campaign, we are given the opportunity to “control” Riley for only about fifteen minutes. The only moment when he really participates in the gameplay is a stealth mission, where the dog replaces the usual knife and quietly gnaws at enemies. Closer to the end, he is brought back on stage, but only so that we can carry the wounded friend to the evacuation point. As a result, Ghosts feels like another conveyor-belt release of the franchise, made without inspiration. The formula by which the games in the series are created remains unchanged: we move along linear levels, shoot endless waves of enemies and hide behind cover, waiting for the red spots on the screen to disappear.

Call of Duty Ghosts - Diversity of Locations Doesn't Save the Plot from Chaos

It would seem that the allies should help in this meat grinder, but in fact they rather hinder. In battle, they look threatening, but behave like pacifists, spending 99% of their ammunition on checking the bullet resistance of the surrounding walls. A logical question arises: how did these “Ghosts” cope with tasks at all before our appearance? Apparently, exclusively due to their frightening appearance.

What’s wrong with Call of Duty: Ghosts?

  • The gameplay feels like a bunch of mechanics with no real purpose.
  • Riley the dog is more of a marketing ploy than a full-fledged character.
  • The levels are linear, and the gameplay is predictable and secondary.
  • Allies create more chaos than help in combat.
  • There’s minimal innovation, and the old elements don’t work the same way anymore.

If you were expecting something fresh, Ghosts is unlikely to live up to your expectations. It’s another entry in a series that seems to have lost its inspiration, but continues to exist simply by inertia.

Call of Duty: Ghosts – Updated Multiplayer and Extinction – Is It Worth Playing?

Well, another round of confrontation between two giants of the shooter genre this time passed without a crushing defeat for the single-player campaign of Call of Duty. Surprisingly, the storyline of Battlefield looks even a little more coherent and meaningful, while CoD: Ghosts sometimes slips into outright nonsense. But in multiplayer, DICE once again proved their superiority: their well-developed tactics and scale significantly win out over the arcade action game “Ghosts”. As for the online modes of Ghosts, there are not so many global changes compared to Black Ops 2. They added a couple of new modes: “Blitz”, more reminiscent of dynamic rugby, and “Charged”, in which the player is forced to constantly kill so as not to die himself – a direct reference to the film “Adrenaline”. However, both of these innovations do not look particularly promising.

Why is Ghosts one of the weakest parts of the series

But the cooperative mode “Extinction” turned out to be interesting. Instead of traditional zombies – hordes of alien creatures, instead of closed maps – large-scale shootouts with movement around the city and destruction of alien biomass with the help of special drills. For successful kills, fighters earn money that can be spent on ammunition, turrets and other useful things. Additionally, bonuses are given for completing tasks, for example, destroying enemies in close combat. But there is a problem: the player selection system does not take into account the level of the participants at all, so in one battle there may be both veterans and newcomers who do not understand what is happening at all.

The character customization has also been slightly updated. From the memorable “killstreaks”, a combat dog has been added – if you manage to collect a series of kills, you can call a shepherd dog that instantly pounces on opponents. But that’s where all the interesting innovations end. Overall, Ghosts’ multiplayer feels like a card-heavy update, but without any fresh ideas: the maps are dull, there’s no added tactical depth, and the mechanics feel outdated.


  • A few good moments in the campaign
  • The co-op mode “Extinction” turned out to be quite lively


  • It feels like the shooter mechanics are outdated
  • The effects and staging look hackneyed
  • Repetitive arcade mini-games
  • The plot is puzzling
  • The maps in multiplayer are boring and uninteresting for a tactical game

Call of Duty: Ghosts System Requirements

Call of Duty: Ghosts is a fast-paced shooter that requires powerful hardware to play comfortably. Before installing, make sure your computer meets the minimum or recommended system requirements. From the processor to the video card, everything plays a role in the quality and smoothness of the gameplay. Check out the specifications below:

Basic Requirements Optimal Setup
Operating System: 64-bit Windows 7 Operating System: Windows 8 (64-bit)
CPU: AMD Phenom X3 8750 / Intel Core 2 Duo E8200 CPU: AMD FX-8120 / Intel Core i5-2500K
RAM: At least 6 GB RAM: Recommended 8 GB
Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 5870 / NVIDIA GTS 450 Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 7950 / NVIDIA GTX 760
DirectX Version: 11 DirectX: 11 required
Disk Space: 40 GB free Storage: Minimum 40 GB

How to play Call of Duty: Ghosts for free on Steam via VpeSports

Want to experience the thrilling action game Call of Duty: Ghosts without spending extra money? You’ve come to the right place! With us, you can access the game absolutely free of charge using special shared Steam accounts that already have the full version installed. To start playing, just follow a few simple steps. To do this, go to our website and register your own profile. Then go to your personal account and find the free steam account section, where the list of games available for free access is regularly updated.

Once you select the Call of Duty: Ghosts page, you will find a special download button that leads to detailed instructions that will help you quickly understand all the nuances of getting the game. We will be very glad to hear your opinion about the article or the process of getting access. Leave comments – it is important for us to know how useful and understandable our instructions were. Just keep in mind that comments are checked manually, so if your response does not pass moderation right away, do not be upset. Try to slightly rephrase your thoughts and send again. After the comment is approved, you will receive account data directly to the email specified during registration.

call of duty ghosts gameplay

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Why is Call of Duty: Ghosts considered one of the weakest entries in the series?
What's wrong with the plot of Call of Duty: Ghosts?
Is there anything good in Call of Duty: Ghosts?
How are things with multiplayer?
Is it possible to play Call of Duty: Ghosts for free?
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7 thoughts on “Call of Duty: Ghosts

  1. wanna try it because it have one of the worst reputation among other cod games thanks vpesports for this review brief

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