Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
In recent years, Call of Duty has clearly been stalling: modern warfare has been studied inside and out, and where to go next is unclear. Ghosts turned out to be a real disaster, but a year earlier, Black Ops 2 timidly but confidently took a step towards futurism. And just at that moment, exoskeletons, combat drones and jetpacks became trendy. Advanced Warfare unexpectedly picked up the wave and shook up the entire series, returning it to the status of the most reckless, spectacular and exciting action game.
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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Free Steam Account
ATLAS is a powerful military corporation that enters the game when the authorities prefer to remain in the shadows. It has advanced technologies, weapons of the future, and most importantly, exoskeletons that turn soldiers into real superhumans. The main character, Jack Mitchell, loses his best friend in battle. His death becomes a turning point: the deceased’s father, Jonathan Irons, who owns ATLAS and holds a grudge against the American government, offers Jack a place in his army. Soon Mitchell becomes one of the company’s best fighters, but the idyll does not last long. A new threat appears in the world – the terrorist organization KVA. ATLAS intervenes, eliminating the terrorists, and turns into the most powerful military force on the planet. However, with great power comes a new danger: now the corporation itself is becoming a threat to humanity.
The story of Advanced Warfare follows a predictable scenario, but in Call of Duty, it’s not the “what” that’s important, but the “how.” The game once again offers us epic action, where destruction, explosions, and dynamic shootouts set the pace. For the first time in the series, expensive CGI videos of the level of the latest Battlefields are used. They were created by Digic, a studio known for working on the biggest gaming blockbusters. One of the main features of Advanced Warfare is Kevin Spacey as Jonathan Irons. His presence in the frame gives the game weight, but he plays the role of a guest star rather than the main engine of the plot. ATLAS not only has exoskeletons, but also heavy mechanized suits armed with machine guns and rocket launchers.
Here’s what makes the corporation’s combat technology so dangerous:
- Exoskeletons – give fighters superhuman strength, speed and endurance.
- Combat drones – unmanned vehicles that help in reconnaissance and attacks.
- Energy weapons – innovative models that shoot plasma and lasers.
- ATLAS mechs – giant combat suits with powerful machine guns and rocket launchers.
These technologies do not just make ATLAS stronger – they change the rules of war.
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Exoskeleton Changes Everything: New Level of Freedom in Advanced Warfare
Call of Duty is still an attraction of incessant explosions, hails of bullets and large-scale shootouts. One after another, soldiers fall under heavy fire, buildings collapse, bridges collapse with a roar, and new fighters land from helicopters. And so – six to seven hours of the story campaign, where there is no time for a break. The main innovation is the exoskeleton, which radically changes the rules of the game. Almost like in Crysis, only even more powerful: in Advanced Warfare, the suit allows you to accelerate to breakneck speed, jump tens of meters up, become invisible and use other technological tricks.
These features completely turn the usual gameplay upside down. Now you can instantly move to the side, outflank enemies, fall on them from above with destructive force. Or just soar into the air, break away from the chase and lie down in a secluded corner, restoring health. You no longer need to hug cover – now you are fast, deadly and mobile, which means that combat feels different.
But it is worth remembering that the exoskeleton works according to the script. The developers strictly control its capabilities depending on the specific mission: sometimes you can jump higher than buildings, sometimes you have to be content with a normal step. Sometimes you are given magnetic gloves for vertical movement, in other episodes camouflage is available that makes you invisible. And closer to the finale, a grappling hook will appear in the arsenal, allowing you to cling to ledges and quickly climb up, turning Advanced Warfare into a variation on the Bionic Commando theme. The level design has also undergone changes: the campaign has more open spaces with the ability to choose tactics. Of course, this is still a linear adventure, but after years of the usual “guts”, even a little freedom seems like a breath of fresh air.
- When you need to shut down a runaway nuclear reactor? That’s right, nothing goes according to plan.
- A nighttime stroll through abandoned Detroit is creepy and atmospheric and it ends with a dizzying chase on gravity motorcycles.
Advanced Warfare: Science Fiction Made Real
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is the embodiment of all fantasies about the soldiers of tomorrow, and every, even the smallest, change to the formula of the series plays into this idea. Forget about the outdated tactics with the C4 cache – now you can knock down doors with your bare hands! And instead of traditional explosives, you have something more interesting in your arsenal. For example, a compact device that creates a vacuum bubble that completely muffles sounds in a certain radius. Such a thing is ideal for stealth elimination of enemies … but, of course, only in episodes specially prepared for this.
The main feature of Call of Duty is a predictable, but flawlessly debugged attraction. If soldiers in mech suits appear on the horizon (and you will have to tinker with them on high difficulty) or an impressive flying tank, rest assured: sooner or later you will be allowed to touch it. These gameplay innovations, along with unusual settings and fresh mechanics, have given the series the shake-up it has lacked since Modern Warfare 2. Call of Duty is once again capable of surprising.
- In the narrow streets of Santorini, an exoskeleton is no help, but there are plenty of convenient shelters and sniper positions.
- A sudden trip to a glacier? Good thing the exoskeleton is also heated!
- Somehow, future technologies manage to be stylish and functional at the same time.
Call of Duty Reboot: What Are the Pros and Cons of the New Part?
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare doesn’t just radically change the scenery – it takes another important step for the entire series. This is perhaps the most dynamic and spectacular part of the franchise. And it’s not even about the new engine, improved lighting or cool animation, but how fresh it feels. Snow-white laboratories where scientists test cutting-edge technologies, sunny streets of futuristic New Baghdad, colorful backstreets of Seoul with neon signs – compared to the dull gray locations of the previous parts, Advanced Warfare looks simply amazing.
But in its desire to become a real attraction, the game sometimes goes too far. Even after the plot climax, it continues to throw in new mechanics: here we are sneaking in the spirit of Splinter Cell, hiding in the bushes, distracting enemies, and in the next episode we are already controlling an armored mech and destroying everything around. It seems like a logical moment for the finale, but Advanced Warfare doesn’t even think about stopping. And why? While the fun is going on, the show must go on! There were some complaints. In particular, about the music. Composer Harry Gregson-Williams, who worked on Metal Gear Solid, failed to create a soundtrack that could compare with the epic motifs of Hans Zimmer or Jack Wall. In tense moments, instead of powerful orchestral themes, indistinct electronic samples are heard. But in terms of sound effects, everything is top notch: a swarm of drones, the launch of gravity engines, shots from a Gauss rifle – it sounds so that you want to believe in the reality of what is happening.
Call of Duty is finally back on track after the crisis and personnel changes. It’s that same exciting action game that keeps you on the edge of your seat for several evenings in a row. This year, it also pleases with exoskeletons that radically change the gameplay, a well-balanced single-player campaign and, most importantly, a really high-quality picture. And we’ll talk about the multiplayer separately – it deserves special attention.
- Call of Duty remembers why people love it
- Exoskeletons and gadgets add fresh mechanics
- The story campaign is addictive again
- High-quality graphics
- The plot is too predictable
- Some episodes seem unnecessary
- We have already seen some of the moments in other games
- The soundtrack is inexpressive
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare System Requirements
Before jumping into the futuristic battlefield of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, ensure your PC meets the necessary specifications. Optimizing your gaming setup will allow you to fully enjoy smooth gameplay, stunning visuals, and immersive action. Below, you’ll find the minimum and recommended system requirements to run the game effectively. Check the details carefully and make sure your hardware is up to the task!
How to play Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare for free on Steam via VpeSports
Have you always dreamed of diving into the exciting battles of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, but didn’t want to spend extra money? Now it’s easier than you think! Our platform has a unique opportunity to try out this popular game for free using joint Steam accounts, on which Advanced Warfare is already ready to launch. To begin your combat path, visit the VpeSports website and complete a quick registration. After logging into your personal account, go to the free steam account section, where you will find a selection of ready-to-use profiles with the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare game already installed.
Select the account you like, go to its overview page and carefully read the detailed instructions on how to download and launch the game. We sincerely value your every opinion, so after reading the review, we will be glad to see your feedback. Please note that comments are pre-moderated. If your comment is not published immediately, try to change it so that it complies with the site’s recommendations. As soon as your comment is approved, our moderator will promptly send access to the selected account to the email you specified.
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