In recent years, Assassin’s Creed has been tossing and turning as if it was caught in a storm on the high seas. Ubisoft, like a team suffering from seasickness, rushes from one idea to another – either adding elements of Tower Defense to the game, or suddenly transferring us to the era of the American Revolution. But in fairness, it should be acknowledged: unlike other franchises that are simply stamped out every year according to a template, the assassin series did try to change. Although not always successfully, the developers tried to refresh the established gameplay, experimented with locations and mechanics. However, most of these experiments were not accepted by fans – and it became clear: radical changes were needed. And now, finally, Ubisoft decided on a serious reboot.
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Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Free Steam Account
The first attempts to change the course of the series were made in Assassin’s Creed 3. However, at that time, Ubisoft clearly did not fully understand how exactly to breathe new life into the franchise. And although the third part did not become a people’s favorite, it was it that helped the authors determine in which direction to develop the brand.
First of all, players enthusiastically received the naval battles. Critics even called them the best element of the entire game – and it is difficult to argue with this. In addition, AC3 made it clear: the era of straightforward war between the Assassins and the Templars is coming to an end. The era of Altair remained on the dusty streets of the Holy Land. Ezio still held on to this spirit, but with noticeable deviations. And Connor was completely engaged in the fight for independence, equality and the rights of his family, and the ideals of brotherhood were clearly not a priority for him.
However, many players didn’t care about this – they were irritated by other things: boring, repetitive gameplay, a weak plot and questionable innovations. It was then that Ubisoft realized one simple truth: it was not necessary to make Assassin’s Creed about assassins. The hero could be anyone – the main thing is that the story was catchy. And considering how everyone liked the sea adventures, the answer was obvious. The next step was the 18th century Caribbean: pirates, rum, gunpowder, blood and the endless expanses of the ocean. And, perhaps, this was the most successful turn in the history of the entire series.
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Modernity in Black Flag: Why is it even necessary?
From the very beginning, the developers had to decide what to do with an important component of the series — time travel via the Animus. After all, Desmond Miles is already dead, and the main storyline, it would seem, has come to a logical conclusion. However, no one completely abandoned the Animus — they simply rethought it. In Black Flag, inserts from the real world, frankly speaking, could have not appeared at all — their role is too small.
This time, we get into the shoes of a new employee of the Abstergo corporation, which studies genetic memory and develops technologies for immersion in the memories of ancestors. Our hero receives a task — to collect a biography of Edward Kenway, a brave pirate and, concurrently, the grandfather of the well-known Ratonhnhaké:ton.
Sometimes, the game will tear us away from historical adventures and return us to office realities — to wander through the corridors, solve a couple of simple puzzles and rummage through the company’s servers. Ubisoft is true to itself: there is plenty of self-irony and signature humor here. In colleagues’ computers, you can stumble upon jokes about which historical eras are best suited for the Assassin’s Creed engine, why the 20th century is inconvenient for it, and even — attention — discussions about zombies within the series. There were also references to Watch_Dogs: it turns out that the ctOS network is another product developed by Abstergo.
A Pirate, Not a Hero: How Black Flag Changes the Rules of the Series
With each new game, Ubisoft moved further and further away from the usual confrontation between the Assassins and the Templars. And Black Flag became a real rebel in this regard. The game seemed to deliberately spit on the seriousness and pathos of the first parts, ridiculing the “sacred code” of the brotherhood. The main character is not a noble warrior driven by high ideals, but a cynical and calculating type. Edward Kenway is not the one who joined the order at the behest of his heart. He is driven exclusively by hard cash and the thirst for profit.
Nevertheless, the developers cleverly played up his appearance in the style of the Assassins. According to the plot, Edward is a typical adventurer and part-time pirate, accidentally kills one of the representatives of the brotherhood and takes his equipment. Instead of disappearing, he decides to play the role to the end, seeing this as a good way to make money. So he finds himself in the very epicenter of a secret war between the orders. However, he keeps to himself, not joining any of the sides, although he shows sympathy for the assassins.
All missions to find artifacts and hunt the Templars are not out of a sense of duty, but for the sake of a good jackpot. In the foreground here are completely different concerns. The main entertainments of pirate life include:
- boarding merchant and military ships,
- participating in noisy fights in port taverns,
- hunting for treasures on forgotten islands,
- upgrading your ship and crew,
- defending independent Nassau from the British and Spanish.
The Jolly Roger flutters from the masts, rum flows like a river, and legendary pirates like Blackbeard flash through the story — the atmosphere of real piracy is conveyed one hundred percent.
The player will spend most of the time on the open sea. Ubisoft finally realized that size is not the main thing, and abandoned the idea of giant cities. Instead, there is a spacious archipelago with dozens of islands, villages and hidden corners that you can look into without a single reload. The sea is our element, and their exploration here is truly exciting. For everyone who missed the spirit of adventure from the good old “Corsairs”, Black Flag has become a real gift.
How Ubisoft Turned Naval Combat into Art Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag
Naval battles in Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag are a real feast for the eyes. Explosions, smoke, bright flashes of gunfire, shouts of the crew — all this creates a captivating atmosphere. Ships fall apart, different types of cannonballs give their tactical advantages, and the dynamics of battles literally do not let you tear yourself away from the screen. But the real pleasure comes at the moment of boarding. When your team throws grappling hooks, and you climb the masts to effectively dive straight at the captain of the enemy ship — you begin to feel like a real pirate, and not just a video game hero.
True, over time comes the realization — for the sake of spectacle, the developers had to move realism a little. Yes, we are given the opportunity to assemble our own fleet, but in reality it is almost not needed — the Jackdaw is capable of destroying an entire squadron alone. During boarding, opponents seem to forget that we are still in battle – their ships just roll around without interfering. Moreover, after capturing a ship, you can instantly patch up yours – and so on endlessly: boarding, repair, battle again. As a result, knowing this mechanics, you can go through most of the game without much ship upgrade.
There are also curiosities. For example, a bug that allows you to capture even elite enemy ships from the first hours. But even with such “cheats”, upgrading and customization are still addictive. Money flows like a river – everything is spent on upgrading Edward and the “Jackdaw”. In addition to gold, resources are also needed: animal skins are used to upgrade inventory, and wood and metal are used to strengthen the ship. Upgrading encourages you to explore the world. You want to become a real sea wolf – with four pistols on a sling and a powerful combat vessel that everyone fears. This motivates you to do side activities: rob merchant ships, search for treasures on the seabed, take on additional quests. And unlike the previous parts, here side activities are not perceived as a boring obligation. They are a real pleasure.
The game world is literally teeming with activities. Here is just a part of what you can do besides the main plot:
- Fight in a brothel to get a lead on a treasure;
- Collect floating pieces of paper with pirate songs;
- Hunt boars, sharks, crocodiles and other animals for resources;
- Complete contracts to kill targets;
- Complete side missions to destroy the Templars and get rare rewards;
- Capture forts and discover new areas on the sea map;
- Dive for sunken treasures if you have the appropriate equipment.
Forts have become an analogue of synchronization points on the global map. By capturing them, we gain access to information about sea threats: where sharks live, where ships with riches have sunk, and where the legendary ship is drifting, the victory over which promises a lot of loot. Just a few hours after the start, you will most likely forget about the plot and just go on a free voyage – explore, capture, rob, search. And when you learn to hunt sea game and get a bell for diving, each expedition will feel like a separate adventure. You will want to overcome the distances yourself, and not use fast travel. Sea activities feel like independent games, but together they add up to a rich, integral and incredibly atmospheric experience of pirate life.
The Pros and Cons of Pirate Life in Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag
Ubisoft has done it their own way again. Despite numerous requests from fans, the developers decided not to add naval battles to the multiplayer of Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag. However, the studio did not completely ignore the feedback — the traditional multiplayer mode has undergone a number of improvements, and now looks much fresher.
All familiar and beloved modes — including the “Wolf Pack” — have painlessly migrated to the pirate setting. And although the basis remained the same, the innovations benefited the game. The character can now be customized in detail: from appearance to a set of skills. Moreover, the choice of these very perks directly affects the style of play — do you want to be a silent killer or a daring thug? It’s up to you to decide.
The “workshop” deserves special attention — a new editor in which you can create your own modes. Here the user himself determines the rules of the battle, sets restrictions, configures the scoring system and much more. For example, it is easy to turn off firearms or set unique victory conditions. There are several hundred parameters available, and each setting brings you closer to creating a truly original mode. Share your work with friends – or with the entire community. What if it is your idea that will make it into the next game as an official mode? Ubisoft has repeatedly addressed player initiatives.
The main thing is that Black Flag has achieved the impossible. The mechanics that many considered outdated have received a second wind. Assassin’s Creed has long needed such a shake-up – and it happened. The assassins tried on pirate outfits, cast aside moral dilemmas and went out to the open sea. This rebranding has benefited the series and, perhaps, has become the best decision in recent years. Even if not all elements are ideal, the direction has been chosen correctly.
- A vivid atmosphere of real piracy
- The return of beloved multiplayer modes
- Flexible customization of appearance and abilities
- New editor “workshop” with hundreds of parameters
- The ability to share your modes with other players
- Lack of sea battles in multiplayer
- Outdated combat system on land
- Excessive simplicity of some gameplay elements
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag System Requirements
How to play Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag for free on Steam via VpeSports
When was the last time you got truly lost in a world full of sea secrets, stealth assassinations and wrecked ships on the horizon? If you’ve been wanting to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, but didn’t want to spend money – here’s your chance. And yes, it’s absolutely free.
You don’t need anything supernatural to find yourself at the helm of your own ship. Just visit the VpeSports website and go through a quick registration. In your personal account, you’ll find a whole section dedicated to free steam account. Among them is Black Flag, the legendary part of the series, where you will become not just an assassin, but a real pirate of the Caribbean.
There you will also find detailed instructions on how to download the game and start playing – everything is described step by step so that even a beginner won’t get lost. Literally in a couple of clicks, you will already hear the creaking of ropes, the splash of waves and the cries of boarding. Goosebumps on your skin – this is normal. If our instructions helped you, share your opinion in the comments. This is really important. Comments are moderated, so if yours doesn’t appear right away, don’t panic, just tweak it a little. When everything is okay, we’ll send you access by email — quickly and without unnecessary fuss.
Subscribe to our Telegram so you don’t miss out on the latest giveaways and news. There you can not only download the game, but also chat in a friendly chat, ask a question if something is unclear, or just catch some inside information on other titles. We are always in touch — and we are really happy to help.
And if suddenly something seems complicated — no problem. There are guides on the site: simple, clear, almost like a conversation with a friend. Follow the steps — and now you are no longer just a player, but Captain Edward Kenway, in the wind, with a saber on your belt and a compass in your pocket.
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I’m not really into ac but after that huge drop, i kinda wanna try black flag. Thank you for this thing!
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Great game! Black Flag delivers the perfect mix of adventure, exploration, and action — pure gold! I’ve been wanting to play AC IV: Black Flag for so long — huge thanks to VPESports!!!
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