Mousesports emerged as the champions of ESL Pro League Season 19

Mousesports delivered a sensational performance, overpowering Vitality with an emphatic 3-0 victory in the grand finals of ESL Pro League Season 19. Their remarkable success marks their second consecutive triumph in the prestigious ESL Pro League. In the previous season, they showcased their dominance in the realm of Counter-Strike 2 by vanquishing NAVI with an equally impressive 3-0 scoreline. It’s worth highlighting that the victory against NAVI gains even more significance when considering the presence of s1mple, one of the most renowned and skilled players in the CS scene, on NAVI’s roster at that time. Mousesports’ exceptional gameplay and strategic brilliance were on full display as they outplayed their opponents, showcasing their ability to adapt, coordinate, and execute flawlessly.

The ESL Pro League Season 19 grand finals showcased Mousesports’ unwavering determination, teamwork, and exceptional individual performances. Their achievement speaks volumes about the team’s dedication, hard work, and commitment to excellence. It solidifies their status as one of the top teams in the competitive CS2 landscape. The victory not only cements Mousesports’ position as a force to be reckoned with but also highlights the depth of talent and skill within their roster. Their players exhibited exceptional aim, game sense, and composure under pressure, delivering breathtaking plays and securing crucial rounds throughout the tournament. Mousesports’ back-to-back victories in the ESL Pro League demonstrate their ability to consistently perform at the highest level, earning them the respect and admiration of fans and competitors alike. The team’s success serves as a testament to the remarkable synergy and chemistry among the players, as well as the guidance and expertise of their coaching staff.


Inferno was the designated battleground for the opening map, a choice made by Vitality. However, Mousesports wasted no time in showcasing their incredible skill and game sense. Right from the pistol round, torzsi made a stunning quadruple kill, single-handedly securing the round for his team. This early display of dominance set the tone for the match. As the first half progressed, Mousesports continued to assert their dominance. With calculated strategies and impeccable execution, they effortlessly won round after round, leaving Vitality struggling to find a foothold in the game. Mousesports’s superior teamwork and individual performances allowed them to secure a significant lead, culminating in a commanding 9-3 scoreline at halftime. The second pistol round carried immense importance for Vitality, as it presented an opportunity for them to regain momentum and mount a comeback. Unfortunately for them, luck was not on their side as they faltered once again, losing the round to Mousesports. This setback further widened the gap between the two teams, with Mousesports leading comfortably at 11-3. Despite facing a substantial deficit, Vitality refused to surrender. Determined to turn the tides of the game, they rallied their efforts and began a remarkable resurgence. Round after round, they showcased resilience and skill, chipping away at Mousesports’ lead. With each successful round, their confidence grew, and they closed the gap to a mere three rounds, with the score at 11-8. However, just as Vitality seemed poised to complete their comeback, Mousesports unleashed a devastating blow. With precision and composure, they halted Vitality’s momentum and swiftly regained control of the game. Mousesports capitalized on their opponents’ mistakes and executed flawless strategies, denying Vitality any chance of a full recovery. In the end, Mousesports emerged victorious on Inferno with a final score of 13-9. Their unwavering determination and superior performance propelled them to claim the first map of the series. As the teams prepared to transition to the next battleground, Mirage, Mousesports held a psychological advantage, knowing that they had already triumphed on their own chosen map. Mirage, known for its intricate map design and strategic possibilities, offered a fresh start for both teams. Mousesports, buoyed by their previous victory, entered the map with confidence and a clear game plan.

They were determined to maintain their dominance and secure the series win. Meanwhile, Vitality, having experienced both the thrill of a potential comeback and the disappointment of falling short, sought to regroup and turn the tide in their favor. They knew that a strong showing on Mirage was crucial to their chances of forcing a decider map and keeping their tournament hopes alive. As the Mirage battle commenced, both teams showcased their tactical prowess and individual skill. Rounds were fiercely contested, with each team fighting tooth and nail for control and momentum. Mousesports, with their exceptional coordination and ability to adapt to changing situations, secured crucial rounds, steadily building their advantage. Vitality, however, refused to back down. Led by their star players and seasoned strategists, they unleashed a series of calculated moves and hard-hitting plays. The game became a back-and-forth struggle, with momentum swinging from one team to the other. Intense firefights, clutch plays, and strategic gambits kept spectators on the edge of their seats. Ultimately, Mousesports showcased their resilience and ability to thrive under pressure. With a combination of individual brilliance and seamless teamwork, they consistently outmaneuvered Vitality and secured critical rounds. As the match neared its conclusion, Mousesports found themselves on the brink of victory, while Vitality fought desperately to stay in the game. In a thrilling climax, Mousesports delivered the final blow, sealing their triumph on Mirage with a well-earned scoreline. The victory not only secured their series win but also solidified their status as a dominant force in the competitive CS scene. As the dust settled, Mousesports celebrated their remarkable accomplishment, having overcome challenges, showcased their skill, and emerged as deserving champions of ESL Pro League Season 19. Their journey was a testament to the dedication, teamwork, and unwavering spirit of the entire roster. Mousesports’ triumph on both Inferno and Mirage demonstrated their versatility, adaptability, and ability to perform at the highest level. Their strategic depth, individual talent, and unyielding determination cemented their place among the top teams in the world, earning the respect and admiration of fans and competitors alike. As the curtains fell on ESL Pro League Season 19, Mousesports stood tall as deserving victors. Their journey was one of grit, passion, and excellence, leaving an indelible mark on the history of CS2 esports. With their sights set on future tournaments, Mousesports will continue to strive for greatness and write new chapters in their storied legacy.


The Mirage map commenced with Vitality taking an early lead, securing the first two rounds. However, Mousesports, fueled by their competitive spirit, refused to concede defeat and quickly began to regain control. At a score of 3-3, they clinched a crucial tiebreaker round, granting them an economic advantage to propel their gameplay forward. This victory served as a turning point, as Mousesports went on an impressive six-round winning streak, mirroring their dominant performance from the first map. As the first half concluded, Mousesports boasted an impressive 9-3 lead, leaving Vitality with a significant deficit to overcome. The second half unfolded much like the first, with Mousesports maintaining their unwavering grip on the game. Despite Vitality’s valiant attempts to stage a comeback, they were unable to gain substantial ground against Mousesports’ formidable defense and strategic prowess. Round after round, Mousesports showcased their superior skill and coordination, consistently outmaneuvering and outshining their opponents. In the end, Vitality fell short, succumbing to defeat with a final score of 8-13. Mousesports celebrated their hard-fought victory on Mirage, having achieved a comfortable lead in the overall map score. Their exceptional performance and ability to maintain composure in high-pressure situations had propelled them to the brink of triumph. With their sights set on the next challenge, Mousesports confidently moved forward to face Vitality on Nuke, once again the map of choice for their opponents. Nuke, known for its intricate layout and strategic depth, presented a fresh battleground for the two teams. Vitality, now faced with the daunting task of overcoming Mousesports’ lead, sought to rally their forces and mount a comeback. They were well aware that a strong showing on Nuke was essential to their chances of forcing a decisive third map and keeping their tournament aspirations alive. As the battle commenced on Nuke, both teams exhibited their tactical prowess and individual brilliance. Each round became a fierce contest, with both sides showcasing their ability to adapt and execute precise strategies. Mousesports, riding the wave of their previous victories, entered the map with confidence and a clear game plan.

They aimed to maintain their dominance and close out the series with a resounding win on Vitality’s chosen turf. Vitality, fueled by their desire to turn the tide, fought tooth and nail to regain control. Led by their star players and tactical masterminds, they unleashed a series of calculated moves and aggressive plays. The game became a seesaw battle, with momentum swinging back and forth as both teams exchanged blows. Spectators were treated to intense firefights, clutch plays, and strategic gambits, heightening the excitement and tension within the arena. However, Mousesports, determined to maintain their momentum, proved to be a formidable force on Nuke. With disciplined teamwork and exceptional individual performances, they consistently outmaneuvered Vitality, securing crucial rounds and widening the score gap. Mousesports’ ability to adapt their strategies and exploit their opponents’ weaknesses was on full display, further solidifying their reputation as a top-tier team in the CS2 scene. As the match neared its conclusion, Mousesports found themselves within reach of victory, while Vitality fought desperately to stage a comeback. Despite their valiant efforts, Vitality struggled to penetrate Mousesports’ stalwart defense and overcome their calculated gameplay. The rounds slipped away, and Mousesports emerged triumphant on Nuke, securing the map with a well-deserved scoreline. With their victory on Nuke, Mousesports sealed their triumph in the series, delivering a resounding blow to Vitality’s hopes of a comeback. Their exceptional teamwork, individual skill, and unyielding determination throughout the match solidified their status as worthy victors of ESL Pro League Season 19. Mousesports’ journey was a testament to their dedication, resilience, and unwavering pursuit of excellence. As the final whistle blew, Mousesports celebrated their remarkable accomplishment, basking in the glory of their hard-earned victory. Their journey in the tournament showcased their ability to overcome challenges, adapt to different maps, and perform at the highest level against formidable opponents. With their eyes set on future tournaments, Mousesports will continue to strive for greatness, leaving an indelible mark on the world of competitive gaming.


The Nuke map unfolded with a sense of déjà vu, as Mousesports once again asserted their dominance from the get-go. Their commanding performance left little room for doubt as they surged ahead, securing an impressive 7-0 lead before conceding their first round. This early display of dominance set the tone for the rest of the match, leaving Vitality scrambling to find a way to turn the tide in their favor. Mousesports continued to showcase their exceptional skills and tactical prowess, leaving Vitality struggling to keep up. The first half concluded with a staggering 10-2 lead in Mousesports’ favor, a testament to their relentless pursuit of victory and their ability to exploit their opponents’ weaknesses. Vitality faced an uphill battle as they headed into the second half, with the odds stacked against them and the prospect of a comeback seeming increasingly unlikely. The pistol round provided Vitality with a glimmer of hope, as they emerged victorious and added some much-needed momentum to their side. However, Mousesports quickly extinguished any hopes of a resurgence with their unwavering dominance and calculated gameplay. Round after round, Mousesports showcased their superior skills, shutting down Vitality’s attempts to rally and maintaining an iron grip on the match.

As the rounds progressed, Mousesports continued to demonstrate their exceptional teamwork, individual brilliance, and unwavering determination. Their coordinated strategies and flawless execution left Vitality reeling, unable to find a foothold in the game. Despite their best efforts, Vitality could not match the sheer firepower and tactical acumen displayed by Mousesports. The scoreline painted a clear picture of their dominance, with Mousesports emerging victorious with a crushing score of 13-5. With this resounding triumph, Mousesports secured the title of champions for the second consecutive time in the prestigious ESL Pro League. Their back-to-back victories showcased their consistency, resilience, and ability to perform at the highest level. Mousesports’ exceptional skill and unwavering determination had propelled them to the pinnacle of esports glory once again. As the final whistle blew, Mousesports celebrated their remarkable achievement, basking in the glory of their hard-earned victory. Their journey throughout the tournament exemplified their commitment to excellence, their ability to overcome challenges, and their unwavering pursuit of greatness. The legacy of their success will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression on the esports community, cementing Mousesports’ place among the elite teams in the world of competitive gaming. Looking ahead, Mousesports will carry the momentum and confidence gained from their ESL Pro League triumph into future tournaments. Their dominant performance will serve as a source of inspiration and motivation as they continue to strive for greatness. With each victory, Mousesports solidifies their reputation as a force to be reckoned with, leaving their mark on the ever-evolving landscape of professional esports.

MVP of this tournament

Despite the disappointment of the defeat in the grand final, Mathieu “ZywOo” Herbaut emerged as the standout player and the undeniable MVP of the tournament. Throughout the competition, he showcased an incredible level of play that left both fans and opponents in awe. Despite the ultimate outcome, ZywOo’s individual performance was nothing short of exceptional, demonstrating his extraordinary skill and impact on the game. ZywOo’s ability to consistently deliver clutch plays, secure crucial eliminations, and make game-changing decisions was a sight to behold. His exceptional aim, game sense, and versatility made him a force to be reckoned with in every match. Whether it was pulling off jaw-dropping flick shots, outsmarting opponents with his strategic positioning, or single-handedly turning the tide of a round, ZywOo consistently displayed a level of skill that set him apart from his peers. Throughout the tournament, ZywOo’s impact on his team’s performance was undeniable. His ability to carry his team, even in challenging situations, was a testament to his leadership and resilience. ZywOo’s presence on the server instilled confidence in his teammates and inspired them to elevate their own performance. His exceptional playmaking and consistent high ratings were instrumental in his team’s success leading up to the grand final.

While the final result may not have been what ZywOo and his team desired, his individual performance throughout the tournament was indisputably remarkable. His rating of 7.6 serves as a testament to his consistent excellence and impact on the game. ZywOo’s remarkable talent, combined with his unwavering dedication and work ethic, make him one of the most formidable players in the esports world. It is important to acknowledge the immense pressure and expectations that come with being the MVP of a tournament. Despite the disappointment of falling short in the grand final, ZywOo’s contributions should not be overshadowed. His exceptional level of play and his ability to consistently perform at such a high standard deserve recognition and admiration. As the tournament concluded, ZywOo’s exceptional performance and the impact he had on the competition will not be forgotten. His display of skill, dedication, and sportsmanship serves as an inspiration to aspiring players and a reminder of the heights that can be reached through hard work and unwavering passion. While the defeat may sting, ZywOo’s legacy as one of the finest players in the game remains intact, and his future performances are eagerly anticipated by fans and competitors alike.

Tournament Bracket

MOUZ faced a challenging group stage in ESL Pro League Season 19, yet they showcased their exceptional skills by emerging victorious in every map they played. This impressive feat secured them a spot in the quarterfinals of the tournament. Throughout their journey, MOUZ demonstrated their dominance and ability to overcome formidable opponents. In their path to the quarterfinals, MOUZ triumphed over renowned teams such as Bad News Kangaroos, GamerLegion, Team Liquid, G2, Complexity, and Team Vitality. Each match was a testament to their unwavering determination and their ability to adapt to different playstyles and strategies. MOUZ consistently displayed their tactical prowess, individual brilliance, and effective team coordination.

The victories against these esteemed teams further solidified MOUZ’s reputation as a force to be reckoned with in the competitive Counter-Strike scene. Their ability to defeat such formidable opponents showcased their skill, resilience, and ability to perform under pressure. With each triumph, they advanced closer to their ultimate goal of claiming the championship title. MOUZ’s achievements in the group stage not only earned them a place in the quarterfinals but also served as a testament to their hard work, preparation, and dedication. Their flawless performance in the group stage set a strong foundation for their journey in the later stages of the tournament, instilling confidence in their abilities and igniting the hopes of their fans. As MOUZ progressed through the ESL Pro League Season 19, their victories against respected teams left an indelible mark on the tournament’s narrative. The path they carved through the group stage demonstrated their unwavering commitment to excellence and their hunger for success. With each triumph, they showcased their ability to rise above challenges and solidify their position as a top-tier team in the competitive Counter-Strike landscape. As the tournament unfolded, all eyes were on MOUZ as they continued to defy expectations and forge their path to the championship. Their impressive victories in the group stage set the stage for an exhilarating and highly anticipated quarterfinal match, where they would face yet another formidable opponent in their quest for glory.

Distribution of the prize pool

The distribution of the prize pool for ESL Pro League Season 19 reflected the intense competition among the participating teams, and MOUZ, with their exceptional performance, secured a portion of the impressive $170,000 prize pool. This financial reward not only acknowledged their skill and dedication but also served as a testament to their success in the tournament. The cash prize undoubtedly provided a significant boost to the team’s morale and further motivated them to continue their pursuit of excellence in the competitive Counter-Strike scene. In addition to the monetary reward, MOUZ achieved another notable milestone by earning a coveted slot at IEM Cologne 2024. This prestigious event, featuring a massive prize pool of $1,000,000, represented a significant opportunity for MOUZ to showcase their talent on a global stage. The invitation to IEM Cologne 2024 not only validated their performance in ESL Pro League Season 19 but also solidified their position as a top-tier team in the esports community. The anticipation surrounding their participation in the tournament was palpable, as fans eagerly awaited their clash with other elite teams vying for glory. Looking ahead, the next major tournament on the horizon is IEM Dallas 2024, set to commence on May 27 and span until June 2. This highly anticipated event will feature a star-studded lineup of teams, including Faze, NAVI, MOUZ, Spirit, G2, Vitality, Virtus pro, HEROIC, Complexity, Falcons, Liquid, FlyQuest, Monte, BIG, M80, and 9z. With such an impressive array of talent, the competition is expected to be fierce, and fans can anticipate thrilling matches and intense rivalries.

The prize pool for IEM Dallas 2024 stands at an impressive $250,000, further underscoring the significance of the tournament. The winning team will not only claim a substantial cash prize of $100,000 but also secure a highly coveted slot at IEM Cologne 2024, solidifying their reputation and providing them with an opportunity to compete against the best of the best. The stakes are undeniably high, and the participating teams will undoubtedly bring their A-game, leaving no stone unturned in their quest for victory. As the esports community eagerly awaits the commencement of IEM Dallas 2024, the anticipation is palpable. Fans and analysts alike will closely follow the tournament’s progress, analyzing each team’s performance, strategies, and individual player contributions. The event will serve as a platform for teams to showcase their skill, adaptability, and mental fortitude, as they strive to outmaneuver their opponents and emerge triumphant. For MOUZ and the other participating teams, IEM Dallas 2024 represents an opportunity to make their mark on the competitive Counter-Strike landscape. It is a chance for them to demonstrate their growth, resilience, and ability to perform under pressure. The tournament will undoubtedly serve as a litmus test for each team’s mettle, and the results will shape the narrative of their respective journeys.

In summary, the distribution of the prize pool for ESL Pro League Season 19 rewarded MOUZ’s exceptional performance, with a portion of the $170,000 prize pool coming their way. The team’s success also granted them a coveted slot at IEM Cologne 2024, a tournament boasting a staggering $1,000,000 prize pool. Looking forward, IEM Dallas 2024 promises to be an exciting event, with top-tier teams battling it out for a share of the $250,000 prize pool and a chance to secure a place in IEM Cologne 2024. The tournament will undoubtedly captivate the esports community, offering thrilling matches and showcasing the incredible skill and dedication of the participating teams.

Which team's performance in ESL Pro League Season 19 impressed you the most?
MOUZ's outstanding run without losing a single map.
Another team's performance.
Voted: 1

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