Liquid says goodbye to coach zews as part of roster reorganization

Liquid says goodbye

The North American esports organization Team Liquid has announced the departure of their Counter-Strike: Global Offensive coach Wilton “zews” Prado, as part of an ongoing reorganization of their competitive roster. This move comes just months after Liquid had previously suspended players Casper “cadiaN” Møller and Felipe “skullz” Medeiros. Rumors are also circulating that skullz may be on the verge of transferring to Brazilian team FURIA.

The changes to Liquid’s CS2 lineup signal a shift in the team’s strategic direction as they look to rebound from a period of underwhelming performance. The departure of long-time coach zews, in particular, marks the end of an era for the organization. Zews had been with Liquid since 2016, helping guide the team to multiple major championship titles and cementing their status as one of the premier CS2 organizations in the world. His steady leadership and tactical acumen were credited as key factors in Liquid’s success over the years.

However, recent lackluster results have prompted the organization to take a hard look at their entire CS2 operation. The suspensions of cadiaN and skullz, as well as the parting of ways with zews, indicate that Liquid is willing to make significant changes in order to return to the top of the scene. Liquid’s fans will be keen to see what new talent and tactics the team incorporates as they work to rebuild a championship-contending roster in the months ahead. The organization has proven its ability to adapt and evolve in the past, and will be hoping for a similar resurgence as they chart a new course for their CS2 division. While the loss of zews will undoubtedly be felt, Liquid’s commitment to excellence suggests that this is just the first step in a broader overhaul aimed at reclaiming their status as one of the premier CS2 teams in the world.

Zews’ Second Stint with Liquid Lacked Previous Success

Wilton “zews” Prado’s second tenure as coach of Team Liquid’s Counter-Strike: Global Offensive roster was less fruitful compared to his initial stint from 2016 to 2018. During that earlier period, zews helped guide Liquid to several grand final appearances at prestigious events like ESL One New York and IEM Chicago, as well as tournament victories at cs_summit 2 and SuperNova CS Malta. In the first half of 2024, Liquid’s revamped roster managed to reach the CCT Global Finals, but ultimately fell short, losing to Eternal Fire. The team’s current lineup consists of Keith “NAF” Markovic, Mareks “YEKINDAR” Gaļinskis, Russel “Twistzz” Van Dulken, Felipe “skullz” Medeiros (rumored to be joining FURIA), and the inactive Casper “cadiaN” Møller. During this period, Liquid failed to qualify for the PGL Major Copenhagen and the Esports World Cup, while also posting disappointing results at other high-profile events such as IEM Dallas, IEM Chengdu, and two BLAST tournaments. The departure of zews marks the loss of three of the six members of “Project Liquid” by 2024, with only Canadians NAF and Twistzz, as well as the underperforming YEKINDAR, remaining. Rumors suggest that Twistzz could potentially take on the in-game leader role for Liquid moving forward, though the identity of the team’s new coach remains unknown. The organization’s attempts to regain its competitive edge after a challenging start to the year will face significant hurdles as it navigates the restructuring of its roster and coaching staff.

Zews’ first stint with Team Liquid from 2016 to 2018 was marked by remarkable achievements. Under his guidance, the team reached the grand finals of prestigious tournaments like ESL One New York 2017 and 2018, as well as IEM Chicago 2018. Liquid also won the cs_summit 2 event and the SuperNova CS Malta tournament during this period. The synergy between zews and Liquid’s star-studded roster, which included players like Twistzz, NAF, and Epitacio “TACO” de Melo, was widely praised. Zews’ tactical acumen and ability to bring out the best in his players were crucial factors in Liquid’s rise to prominence in the CS2 scene. However, after a successful tenure, zews departed the team in 2018. His departure was initially seen as a significant blow to Liquid’s ambitions, as the team had to navigate the transition without their long-standing coach.

Liquid continues to reorganize their roster and bid farewell to their coach Wilton zews Prado, while the team also previously suspended Casper

Following zews’ departure, Liquid went through a period of uncertainty and inconsistent results. The team struggled to find a suitable replacement for their former coach, and the players’ performances fluctuated as they adjusted to a new leadership dynamic. Despite their efforts, Liquid failed to maintain the same level of success they had enjoyed under zews’ guidance. The team’s results at major tournaments took a downturn, and they found it increasingly challenging to compete with the top teams in the scene. The frustration of this period was exacerbated by Liquid’s inability to replicate their previous triumphs. The organization and its fanbase grew increasingly impatient, as the team’s promising potential seemed to be slipping away. In 2022, Liquid made the decision to bring back zews to the organization, hoping to recapture the magic of his previous tenure. The move was met with cautious optimism, as fans and analysts alike wondered whether the veteran coach could once again elevate Liquid to the pinnacle of CS2. Initially, the reunion showed promise, as Liquid began to demonstrate improved results and a renewed sense of direction. Zews’ tactical expertise and ability to motivate the players were once again on full display, and the team started to regain its competitive edge.

However, this second stint with Liquid ultimately failed to match the level of success that zews had achieved during his first tenure. While the team managed to reach significant milestones, such as the CCT Global Finals, they were unable to consistently challenge the top teams in the scene. The decision to part ways with zews once again has left Liquid’s CS2 division in a state of flux. The team’s recent struggles and the loss of key personnel have raised questions about the organization’s long-term vision and its ability to regain its place among the elite teams in the game. As Liquid navigates this transition, the pressure will be on the remaining players and any new additions to the roster to step up and take on the responsibility of leading the team back to the top. The search for a new coach will also be a critical factor, as the organization looks to find the right strategic and tactical mind to guide its CS2 division. Fans and analysts will be closely watching Liquid’s next moves, eager to see whether the team can recapture the magic that once made it a dominant force in the CS2 scene. The road ahead may be challenging, but Liquid’s storied history and the proven resilience of its organization suggest that they are capable of weathering this storm and emerging stronger than ever.

Ultimately, the departure of zews and the restructuring of Liquid’s CS2 roster represent a significant turning point for the team. As they embark on a new chapter, the eyes of the entire esports community will be fixed on their progress, eager to see if Liquid can once again rise to the top of the Counter-Strike landscape.

How do you feel about zews' second stint as the coach of Team Liquid's CS2 roster?
Disappointed - The results during zews' second tenure were not up to the level of his initial success with the team.
Optimistic - Despite the challenges, zews' return to Liquid showed promise and the team has the potential to bounce back.
Voted: 2

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