League of Legends Patch 14.3: Pyke and Shyvana are receiving buffs, Brand and Karma are experiencing a decrease in effectiveness

Riot Games has unveiled the specifics of the highly-anticipated 14.3 update for League of Legends. The update brings a wealth of changes aimed at mitigating the snowball effect caused by recent item overhauls, impacting the gameplay of more than twenty champions and a multitude of artifacts. The comprehensive patch notes were released on the MOBA subreddit, generating excitement among the player community.

Character buffs


  • The increase in magic resistance per level will be boosted from 1.3 to 1.45.
  • The base minimum healing will see a rise from 35-95 to 70-90, while the scaling from Ability Power (AP) will increase from 27.5% to 35%.
  • The attack speed buff on her ability will now range from 30% to 70%, as opposed to the previous range of 20% to 60%.


  • The base armor will receive a bump from 45 to 47.
  • The cost of Q will be adjusted from 74-90 to 70-90, with the scaling from Attack Damage (AD) being increased from 60% to 75%.
  • The movement speed bonus from W will be enhanced to 45% + 2% for every 2 units of lethality (currently 1%).
  • The damage of E will be revised to 100-300, replacing the previous range of 105-265.


  • The attack speed bonus from Q will be elevated from 40-60% to 50-70%, with the scaling on the first hit from AP increasing from 35% to 50%.
  • The movement speed acceleration during W will be heightened to 12% for every 100 AP, up from the initial 8%.


  • The base damage of Q per stone will experience an increase from 50-130 to 60-132.
  • The cooldown of E will be modified to 14 seconds at all levels, replacing the previous range of 16-14 seconds.


  • The bonus radius of Q will be expanded to 135-175, compared to the previous range of 75-175, while the scaling from AD will be boosted from 45% to 55%.
  • The cooldown of E will be reduced to 10-7 seconds, down from the initial range of 10-8 seconds.


  • The base attack damage will be raised from 53 to 56.
  • The cooldown of R will be decreased to 80/75/70 seconds, replacing the previous range of 100/85/70 seconds.


  • The base armor will be increased from 18 to 21, with the growth per level adjusted from 4.7 to 4.5.
  • The cooldown of W will be reduced to 20-12 seconds, down from the previous range of 24-12 seconds.

Character nerfs


  • The base health regeneration will be decreased from 7 to 5 points.
  • The additional damage from the passive ability against monsters will be reduced from 220% to 200%.
  • The base damage of Q will be lowered from 80-200 to 70-190.


  • The scaling of Q damage from attack damage (AD) will be decreased from 135% to 130%.
  • The base damage of R will be decreased from 350-700 to 325-625 points, and its bonus attack power ratio will be reduced from 120% to 100%.


  • The scaling of Q damage from AD will be lowered from 135% to 130%.
  • The base damage of R will be reduced from 350-700 to 325-625 points, and its bonus attack power ratio will be decreased from 120% to 100%.


  • The damage of empowered Q will be reduced from 35/140/245/350 to 40/130/220/310, and its scaling from ability power (AP) will be decreased from 70% to 50%.


  • The scaling of damage from the passive ability based on the target’s maximum health will be decreased from 1.5% to 1.25% for every 100 AP.
  • The damage coefficient of Q from AP will be reduced from 45% to 35%.


  • The base health will be reduced from 620 to 590 HP.
  • The scaling of damage of the basic Q from AD will be decreased from 100-120% to 100-115%, and for the empowered version of the ability from 140% to 130%.


  • The base health will be reduced from 686 to 650 HP.
  • The base damage of Q will be decreased from 20-100 to 10-90 points.

Champion Adjustments

Aurelion Sol:

  • Find more details about this champion here.


  • Learn more about Yorick and his abilities here.


  • Udyr now interacts correctly with the “Absolute Hunter” rune.
  • Enhanced Q and R abilities are now treated as ultimate abilities, while W and E are not.
  • The passive skill no longer receives exclusive ultimate effects, such as additional cooldown reduction.


  • Scaling of W ability with ability power (AP) will increase from 40% to 60%.
  • Cooldown will change from 20-16 to 20-12 seconds, and mana cost will decrease from 100 to 80.
  • The duration of the explosive package will be reduced from 60 to 45 seconds.


  • Tentacle size will increase by 125 units.
  • Damage will decrease from 10-180 to 9-162, and scaling from attack damage (AD) will change from 120% to 115%.


  • Base mana regeneration will decrease from 7.2 to 6.
  • Base healing from the passive ability has been removed.
  • Now, it will heal for 4-12.8% of the champion’s maximum HP.
  • Cooldown of Q will change from 8-5 to 7-5 seconds, and mana cost will change from 60 to 40 MP.
  • Cooldown of E will be 16-12 seconds instead of 14, and its mana cost will change from 45-85 to 60-80 MP.
  • Ultimate cooldown will change from 120-100 to 130-90 seconds.


  • Base mana regeneration will decrease from 13 to 7, while growth per level will increase from 0.4 to 0.8.
  • Cost of Q will be reduced from 70 to 55 MP.
  • Recharge of W for killing minions will increase from 20% to 35%.


  • Mana growth per level will decrease from 0.45 to 0.35.
  • Cost of W will change from 70 to 70-50.
  • Bonus damage of the skill against monsters will increase from 10-50 to 20-60.
  • Cost of E will increase from 65 to 75 MP.

System buffs

Essence Reaver:

  • Attack power will see an increase from 55 to 60.

Guinsoo’s Rageblade:

  • The recipe has been modified. Attack power and ability strength will experience growth from 30 to 35.

Liandry’s Anguish:

  • The cost will decrease from 2800 to 2700 gold. The scaling of periodic damage from ability power will be reduced from 6% to 5%. The reduction of magic resistance will change from 6-12 to a consistent 10 units.

Rod of Ages:

  • Health will be boosted from 350 to 400, while mana will increase from 300 to 400.

Seraph’s Embrace/Archangel’s Staff:

  • The cost will be lowered from 3000 to 2900 gold.

Luden’s Echo:

  • The cost will decrease from 3000 to 2900 gold. Ability strength will rise from 90 to 95. Damage per charge will increase from 40 to 45, but its scaling from ability power will be reduced from 8% to 4%.

Lich Bane:

  • The cost will decrease from 1000 to 900 gold.

System nerfs

Debt Collector:

  • Attack damage will be reduced from 60 to 55.

Kraken’s Grasp:

  • The shield amount based on maximum health will be decreased from 20% to 18%. The cooldown for the item’s active ability will be increased from 12 to 15 seconds.

Youmuu’s Ghostblade:

  • The additional passive movement speed out of combat for ranged champions will be reduced from 40 to 25, while the active movement speed will be decreased from 20% to 15%.

Storm’s Lament:

  • The additional damage on activation will be reduced from 100% to 75% of attack damage.

Hextech Alternator:

  • The additional damage will change from a range of 50-125 to a consistent 65.

Hextech Rocket Belt:

  • The damage of the item will be decreased from 125 to 100, and its scaling will be reduced from 15% to 10% of ability power.
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