Can Aurora be played in the jungle? How about support? League of Legends dev team weighs in

League of Legends players have an insatiable drive to experiment with new champions in unexpected roles, driven by their boundless creativity and hunger for discovery. This phenomenon has become a time-honored tradition within the community, as each new addition to the roster is quickly scrutinized for its viability outside of the intended design. Aurora, a mid-range skirmisher mage designed for the mid lane, may find unexpected success in the jungle. Her kit, featuring an invisibility ability and a powerful area-of-effect ultimate, could lend itself well to effective ganking and map control. The promise of unexpected flanks and coordinated team fights may allure players to explore this unorthodox path.

Of course, as a mage, Aurora will undoubtedly see adventurous players attempt her in the bot lane, either as a support paired with an AD carry or even as a farm-oriented duo with Senna. Fans can already envision the T1 support star Ryu “Keria” Min-seok pioneering these unconventional Aurora strategies on his stream, much like he did with Zoe support, pushing the boundaries of what is considered viable. Ahead of Aurora’s release on the PBE and live servers, VPEsports was granted exclusive access to playtest the champion and discuss her potential alternative roles with the Riot Games team. This provides a unique opportunity to explore the boundaries of how this intriguing new addition to the League roster can be utilized on Summoner’s Rift.

The Riot team, well aware of the community’s penchant for role-swapping, shared their insights on Aurora’s versatility. They acknowledged the potential for her to excel in the jungle, citing her ability to set up effective ganks and teamfights with her kit. However, they also cautioned that her mid-range nature and reliance on positioning may present challenges in the more chaotic and unpredictable jungle environment. As for the support role, the Riot developers expressed a mix of intrigue and hesitation. While the team recognized the appeal of pairing Aurora’s crowd control and damage potential with an AD carry, they highlighted concerns about her ability to maintain lane presence and provide the necessary utility in the face of evolving meta-game demands. The prospect of an Aurora-Senna duo, however, seemed to pique their interest, as the combination of her abilities and Senna’s unique mechanics could lead to unexpected synergies. Ultimately, the League of Legends community’s insatiable drive to push the boundaries of champion viability will be the true test of Aurora’s adaptability. Whether she finds success in the jungle, the bot lane, or even other unexpected roles, the excitement of discovery and the thrill of the unconventional will undoubtedly fuel the ongoing exploration of this new champion’s potential.

You have to admit, Aurora jungle and Aurora support are both very tempting

The League of Legends development team, led by Gameplay Designer Matt “Riot Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison, has been closely monitoring the community’s reaction to the upcoming champion, Aurora. As a mid-range skirmisher mage, Aurora was designed with the intention of excelling in the mid lane, but the team is well aware of the player community’s penchant for exploring unconventional roles and strategies. In an exclusive interview with VPEsports, Riot Phroxzon and his team discussed the potential for Aurora to find success in alternative roles beyond her intended design. “Ideally we want to support her in the solo lanes, but we’re open to whatever roles players try to play in, as long as one we feel like it’s not detracting from the primary experience we’re trying to deliver,” Phroxzon stated. The team acknowledged the appeal of experimenting with Aurora in the jungle, where her kit featuring an invisibility ability and a powerful area-of-effect ultimate could lend itself well to effective ganking and map control. However, Phroxzon cautioned that her mid-range nature and reliance on positioning may present challenges in the more chaotic and unpredictable jungle environment.

“If we felt like we needed to make concessions to the solo lane experience to support jungle, then that’s where we might raise some flags,” Phroxzon explained. “Is it worth it to support this playstyle? And two, is the gameplay itself healthy and fun?” The developer used the example of an Aurora jungle strategy solely focused on trapping enemies with her ultimate, which the team would consider “not great gameplay.” The developers also expressed a mix of intrigue and hesitation about the prospect of Aurora being played as a support. While they recognized the appeal of pairing her crowd control and damage potential with an AD carry, they highlighted concerns about her ability to maintain lane presence and provide the necessary utility in the face of evolving meta-game demands. QA Engineer Ray Williams further elaborated on the challenges of Aurora in the support role, stating, “One of the intended weaknesses of Aurora is the low amount of crowd control in her kit, which may make lower-economy roles like support less viable.” However, Williams noted that players may explore strategies such as maxing her E ability for the slow or roaming with her W, “Across the Veil,” to secure kills when her ultimate is available.

The potential for an Aurora-Senna duo in the bot lane seemed to pique the interest of the Riot developers, as the combination of her abilities and Senna’s unique mechanics could lead to unexpected synergies. Phroxzon and his team recognized the community’s creativity and their desire to push the boundaries of champion viability. “So if we felt like we needed to make concessions to the solo lane experience to support jungle, then that’s where we might raise some flags,” Phroxzon reiterated. “Is it worth it to support this playstyle? And two, is the gameplay itself healthy and fun?” The League of Legends development team acknowledged that Aurora, like many other champions before her, may find unexpected success in roles beyond her intended design. However, they are committed to maintaining the integrity of the champion’s core functionality and ensuring that any alternative playstyles do not detract from the primary experience they are aiming to deliver.

Phroxzon emphasized that the team would carefully evaluate the impact of supporting alternative roles, weighing the potential benefits against the risks of compromising the champion’s core identity and gameplay. He stressed the importance of striking a balance between fostering player creativity and preserving the overall health and enjoyment of the game. As the community eagerly awaits the release of Aurora on the PBE and live servers, the League of Legends development team remains vigilant in their approach. They are open to the possibility of players discovering innovative strategies and pushing the boundaries of what is considered viable, but they will also be quick to identify and address any concerns that may arise from these unconventional playstyles. The team’s commitment to maintaining a balanced and enjoyable experience for all players is evident in their measured approach to Aurora’s development. They recognize the value of player experimentation and the thrill of the unconventional, but they also understand the need to ensure that the champion’s core design and intended purpose are not compromised.

As the League of Legends community prepares to dive into the world of Aurora, the Riot Games team stands ready to support and guide the exploration of her true potential. With a deep understanding of the game’s mechanics and a keen eye for player behavior, they are poised to navigate the challenges and opportunities that may arise from the community’s insatiable drive for discovery.

What is the primary concern the League of Legends development team has regarding alternative roles for the upcoming champion, Aurora?
The team is worried that supporting unconventional playstyles for Aurora may compromise the integrity of her core functionality and the primary experience they are aiming to deliver.
The team is excited to see players explore innovative strategies with Aurora and is committed to fostering player creativity, even if it means making significant changes to the champion's design.
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