BLAST is targeting Austin to host the first 2025 Counter-Strike Major

According to reports from, the esports tournament organizer BLAST is targeting the city of Austin, Texas to host the first Counter-Strike 2 Major championship event scheduled for 2025. This would mark the first time a premier CS2 Major has been held in the United States, as BLAST aims to bring one of the game’s biggest tournaments to North American shores. The decision to host the 2025 Major in Austin aligns with BLAST’s broader strategy of expanding its global footprint and bringing high-profile CS2 events to new regions. Austin has emerged as an attractive destination given its vibrant tech and gaming communities, as well as the city’s reputation for hosting large-scale events and festivals. The 2025 Major would be a landmark moment for the North American CS2 scene, which has long been overshadowed by the dominance of European teams and tournaments. Holding the event in the United States could help drive increased interest and participation in the game, while also providing a massive boost to the local esports ecosystem in Austin.

BLAST’s selection of Austin is also viewed as a strategic move to tap into the passionate American fanbase for Counter-Strike. The game has a dedicated following in the US, and hosting a Major on home soil could help further grow that audience and strengthen the connection between the community and the professional scene. The logistics of staging a CS Major are complex, requiring a suitable venue, robust broadcasting infrastructure, and coordination with Valve, the game’s developer. However, Austin’s experience in hosting large conventions and esports tournaments suggests the city has the necessary capabilities to handle an event of this magnitude. While the announcement of Austin as the host city for the 2025 CS2 Major has not been officially confirmed, the reports from have generated significant buzz within the global Counter-Strike community. Fans and players alike are eagerly anticipating further details on this landmark event and the opportunity to witness the world’s best teams compete on American soil.

The Countdown to the 2025 CS2 Major in Austin

The announcement of Austin, Texas as the host city for the inaugural 2025 CS2 Major could come at the upcoming BLAST Spring Finals event, scheduled for June 12-16. The tournament organizer recently teased that it will reveal some “secrets” during the London event, including details about the format and locations of the 2025 tournaments, as well as a few other surprises. The first 2025 Major is slated to take place from June 9-22, concluding the competitive season. This will be followed by the Winter Major, set for December 1-14. The decision to host the 2025 Major in Austin aligns with BLAST’s broader strategy of expanding its global footprint and bringing high-profile CS events to new regions. BLAST has previously hosted a Major event, back in 2023 in Paris, which ended up being the final Major for the CS2 title. Commenting on the success of that tournament, Andrew Haworth, BLAST’s Chief Content Officer, noted that it was a great opportunity for the organization to host a Major in a new ecosystem where affiliate leagues would no longer exist. “The 2023 Paris Major was a landmark moment for BLAST and the CS2 esports scene as a whole,” Haworth said. “We were able to deliver a truly world-class event that showcased the best teams and players in the game. Hosting a Major in a new city and environment, outside of the traditional circuits, allowed us to innovate and create a truly unique experience for fans and competitors alike.” The decision to target Austin as the host city for the 2025 Major is viewed as a strategic move by BLAST to tap into the passionate American fanbase for Counter-Strike. The game has a dedicated following in the US, and hosting a Major on home soil could help further grow that audience and strengthen the connection between the community and the professional scene. “Counter-Strike has always had a strong presence in North America, but the lack of a Major event on US soil has been a noticeable gap in the global esports landscape,” said Peter Swinyard, an industry analyst and esports consultant. “By bringing the 2025 Major to Austin, BLAST has the opportunity to elevate the profile of CS2 in the region and engage a new generation of fans and players.” Austin’s vibrant tech and gaming communities, as well as the city’s reputation for hosting large-scale events and festivals, have made it an attractive destination for BLAST’s plans. The logistics of staging a CS2 Major are complex, requiring a suitable venue, robust broadcasting infrastructure, and coordination with Valve, the game’s developer. However, Austin’s experience in hosting events like the annual South by Southwest (SXSW) festival suggests the city has the necessary capabilities to handle an event of this magnitude.

“Austin has proven time and time again that it can host world-class events and festivals that draw in massive crowds from around the globe,” said Caitlin Holt, the Director of Sports and Entertainment for the Austin Convention & Visitors Bureau. “We have the infrastructure, the venue space, and the passionate local community to make the 2025 CS2 Major an unforgettable experience for both players and fans.” The last time the United States hosted a Counter-Strike Major was in 2018, when ELEAGUE held the first Major of the year in Boston. Cloud9’s unexpected victory in the final against FaZe Clan was a defining moment for North American CS2, and the event was widely praised for its production value and fan engagement. “The Boston Major was a true watershed moment for Counter-Strike in the US,” said veteran analyst and commentator, Duncan “Thorin” Shields. “The passion and energy of the American crowd was palpable, and it showed that there is a huge appetite for top-tier CS2 events on this side of the Atlantic. BLAST’s decision to bring the 2025 Major to Austin is an exciting opportunity to build on that momentum and showcase the depth of talent and fandom that exists in North America.” While the announcement of Austin as the host city for the 2025 CS2 Major has not been officially confirmed, the reports from have generated significant buzz within the global Counter-Strike community. Fans and players alike are eagerly anticipating further details on this landmark event and the opportunity to witness the world’s best teams compete on American soil. “The prospect of a CS2 Major in the US is truly thrilling,” said professional player, Jake “Stewie2K” Yip. “Having the chance to compete in front of a passionate American audience would be a dream come true for so many of us. I can’t wait to see what BLAST has in store for the 2025 event and how it will shape the future of the CS2 esports scene.” As the BLAST Spring Finals in London approach, the Counter-Strike community waits with bated breath for the official announcement and further insights into the plans for the 2025 Major in Austin. This event has the potential to be a transformative moment for the game’s presence and growth in North America, and BLAST’s success in delivering a world-class tournament experience will be closely watched by fans, players, and industry stakeholders alike.

Where will the inaugural 2025 CS2 Major tournament be held?
Paris, France
Austin, Texas
Voted: 10

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