In early September, the gaming community was divided: how to play Starfield correctly? Some advised to quickly complete the main campaign and start over, others insisted that everyone should play the way they want – it’s a personal experience! If you haven’t completed Starfield yet, the debate may seem strange. After all, how can you seriously suggest limiting yourself to only story missions, most of which, frankly speaking, are boring (with a couple of rare exceptions)?
Now Starfield is behind us, and the game itself has given an answer to this debate. The best way to complete it is to play as you like, but at the same time touching the main campaign as little as possible. Because in its current form, it should be shortened by a factor of four. Or even better – turned upside down.
It’s hard to recommend Starfield. But it’s easy to quit, even after two hours, even after twenty. And yet, it has its own magic… sometimes even amazing. It’s a shame that these moments happen too rarely.
Table of Contents
Starfield Free Steam Account
Sometimes first impressions can be deceiving. Remember how Red Dead Redemption 2 started: Rockstar took its time, introducing us to the characters and their story slowly and thoughtfully. Many players were never able to get into this leisurely pace, but those who stayed ended up with one of the best gaming experiences. But Starfield, alas, is far from such heights. The game’s main plot is 70% repetitive, not the most exciting missions. First, we collect mysterious artifacts, then – if we want – we run around abandoned temples. In reality, it looks like this: we fly to the place (usually a mine), eliminate a couple of enemies and take another relic. Or we land on a desert planet, jump to the temple, fight one or two opponents and go looking for the next one. Fortunately, you don’t have to do this at all – unless you need new abilities.
And if we compare it to RDR2 again, the companions in Starfield don’t even come close to the Van der Linde gang. Yes, there are a couple of interesting characters that you start to empathize with. But when the game insistently offers to talk to everyone in a row, the enthusiasm quickly fades. There are a lot of dialogues, but there is no personal story here – it only appears when you move away from the main plot and start writing your own. Nevertheless, over time, Starfield unexpectedly transforms. It’s just a pity that its main trump card is a spoiler that cannot be talked about. At some point, the story really becomes fantastic. Not revolutionary, but compared to the drawn-out and boring start, even just a good turn feels like something grandiose. You are ready to believe: here it is, the game has finally opened up! But then you lose interest again … until the next rare flash of inspiration.
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Bethesda, why did you make it so that all the most interesting things happen closer to the end? Why is the path to it an endless series of similar tasks, and not an exciting journey? What could Starfield be if the strongest ideas formed the basis of the plot, and were not its distant final chord? Yes, it is more difficult, but wouldn’t the result be worth it? If you haven’t played Starfield, imagine: in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the dragon only arrives in the second half of the game. Or in Oblivion, you would simply be kept in a cell, released into the prison yard a couple of times during the first half of the story. But the beauty of Skyrim is that the amazing begins right away: dragons, Words of Power, civil war! And what does Starfield offer? The most offensive thing is that Bethesda clearly wanted to create something great. And the game had enormous potential! But instead of making the dream come true, we got a project that leaves behind emptiness. And no “New Game+”, no matter how amazing some gamers call it, will fill this void.
Starfield: Side Missions You Can Love and Hate at the Same Time
A Bethesda game wouldn’t be a Bethesda game without a ton of open-world activities. Starfield is no exception. There are plenty of fun activities, and some that just make you yawn. Let’s start with the latter. While traveling through the galaxy, players will be able to explore planets. Most of them are either lifeless wastelands or wastelands with a hint of flora, fauna, or rare settlements. Yes, the process of exploring, extracting resources, or even building outposts may appeal to some. But the author of these lines, having spent hours on such activities, feels only one thing – wasted time.
But sometimes, among the rocks and sands, you come across people. And they, of course, have tasks for you. But after a few such assignments, you begin to notice: everything comes down to protecting researchers, installing scanners, or rescuing miners. There is a minimum of creativity, the mechanics are repetitive, and unique settlements with interesting NPCs are a rarity. Although it is worth admitting that sometimes Starfield still surprises. Sometimes you find a location that takes your breath away, or you stumble upon a situation that you definitely did not expect.
Everyday life in the city: quests at every turn
If the content is modestly dosed on remote planets, then in large cities there is an abundance of it. Every street, every bar, every turn is a potential task. But here, too, Bethesda has not changed itself: often these are just variations on the theme of “bring, kill, convince”. However, it cannot be said that everything is completely bad. Missions offer a certain freedom of action – you can solve the problem with your fists, stealth or diplomacy. And if you use your wits, you can complete some tasks several times faster than expected.
And yet, the real gems are those that knock you off track. For example, at the very beginning of the game, you can witness a bank robbery, where there is no time to think – only to act. Or find yourself on a planet that immerses you in the atmosphere of epic battles in the style of “Star Wars”. And what’s most interesting is that you never know how cool the next task in the journal will be. Sometimes it seems like a routine, but in the end it turns out to be one of the best moments in the whole game.
Factions: a ticket to a real adventure
If you want something more than simple quests, you should try yourself in faction tasks. Corporations, criminal syndicates, government agencies – there is always something interesting here. And the reward for your efforts is also appropriate. In the first impressions, we talked about the desire to become a “corporate” – to work for a large company, carrying out far from the most legal assignments. This path leaves a vivid impression, and in the end, a truly valuable reward awaits (and no, these are not banal loans). After a series of difficult decisions and risky missions, you become a master of your craft – and no longer think about pumping up social skills.
There is another path – to become something like a double agent, maneuvering between lawmen and pirates. According to Steam statistics, few people chose this option, but it has its own charm. At such moments you feel like a hero of an adventure novel about the Caribbean Sea: chases, treasures, pirate romance. Although it is worth remembering that the ending may be completely different from that of most players.
There is no end to the side missions in Starfield. They are annoying and fun, boring and exciting, linear and unexpected. But most importantly, they evoke emotions. And that is already a good result.
Starfield – how much space is there in it?
For a game that bills itself as a space RPG, Starfield is surprisingly stingy with space itself. But it is generous with loading screens. Bethesda and Microsoft have clearly decided that the best way to immerse yourself in the world of the future is to wait. And wait a lot. Exit a building? Loading. Cross to another block? Another one. Walk 30 meters around the city? Congratulations, three loadings are already in your pocket. Space romance? Not quite. Flying here is a series of short cutscenes separated by loading screens. Take off? Wait. Land? Loading again. Docking? You know what happens next. And forget about flying above the surface of planets – Starfield law forbids it. This is not No Man’s Sky, after all.
Still, at least something happens in space. It is not limited to faceless planets – there are ships flying around that you can contact, help them or, on the contrary, send them into oblivion and take the loot. Or you can simply dock – be it a pirate base, a shipyard, a police outpost or a zero-gravity casino.
But what if you are tired of all these walks on dusty planets? Then welcome to space battles. They are not exactly striking in depth, but they provide much-needed variety. Maneuver, watch the strength of the hull, do not forget about the guns – and, perhaps, you will emerge from the battle in one piece. If you do not want to get involved with opponents, just activate a gravity jump and disappear millions of kilometers away. However, you rarely have to do this.
- A pumped-up ship. It’s better to take care of upgrades in advance, especially armor and weapons.
- A stock of repair kits. Enemies don’t wait for you to repair, so it’s better to be prepared.
- Maneuvers. Just standing still is a surefire way to become space junk.
- Gravity jump. Sometimes the best fight is the one you can just skip.
It is quite possible to complete Starfield with just a couple of ships. The initial Frontier will serve you for a long time, and if desired, you can upgrade it. But sooner or later, you will accumulate credits for something more serious. And no one forbids you to “borrow” other people’s ships – especially if their owners, as it happens, no longer need transport.
Starfield System Requirements
How to play Starfield for free on Steam via VpeSports
Imagine standing on the edge of an unknown galaxy. Around you is endless space, the glow of distant stars and billions of planets where no one has stepped before you. Starfield is not just a game, but a ticket to a world where every choice determines fate, where the secrets of the past intertwine with the possibilities of the future, and every discovery can change the course of history. Now you have a chance to become a part of this grand adventure absolutely free!
To set off on a journey through the Universe, just visit VpeSports, register and go to the section with free steam account. There you will find Starfield – a game in which your starship will become your home, the crew – your family, and each new world – a mystery waiting for its discoverer. Follow the instructions on the page, and soon the vast space will open up before you, where only you can decide who to become: a fearless explorer, an experienced trader, a mercenary or even a smuggler eluding space patrols.
But the journey is not only about discoveries, but also about stories. Leave a review on the reviews page, tell us about your first steps among the stars, and after moderation you will receive an account with the game by email. This is your chance not only to play Starfield, but also to become part of a large community of pioneers, share discoveries, find allies and develop strategies for conquering the unknown.
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starfield I want to play this game so much
let’s start the new journey to new universe let’s goo
Best astronomical and Science-fi game I ever witnessed in this lifetime
very cool game, i need to play this game, but my pc is not good :((
thanks very much! VPSPORTS, THE GAME IS THE BEST!!!
It’s a good game, I want to keep playing and improve at it. “o
starfield I want to play this game so much
Starfield is very interested in this game 🙂
A good RPG if you don’t mind the loading screen