Riot Games reveals full streamer list for the $125,000 TFT Showdown tournament

In just over a week, the first Riot-power Teamfight Tactics tournament will take place. On July 17-18, 64 streamers will gather for a $125,000 TFT brawl.

The format will have the streamers play a heap of matches to decide who’s the best. On day 1, the player pool will be split into two groups of 32. Each participant will play five matches total and based on their placement, they will learn a portion of the $100,000 day 1 prize pool. At the end of the day, the best 8 from each group will advance to day 2.

The 16 remaining players will play another round robin with the same format and the prize for that stage is $20,000. After that, the remaining eight players will do one final game where the champion will take additional $5,000 just for themselves.

The list of streamers that will take part in the event is impressive by itself. The likes of DisguisedToast, Dyrus, Forsen, imaqtiepie, Kripparrian, Scarra, Trump, TheOddOne, and more are all lined-up, basically guaranteeing a huge attendance on Twitch.

This tournament could be the push TFT needs to overtake Fortnite as the most watched game on Twitch. Currently, the battle royale leads to TFT with just about 6K average viewers more — a negligible difference that can easily go away if Riot Games executes TFT Showdown well.

  1. Alexelcapo
  3. Amaz
  4. ArQuel
  5. Ash_on_LoL
  6. Becca
  7. BlackFireIce
  8. boxbox
  9. ClintStevens
  10. CooLifeGame
  11. Corobizar
  12. Dhalucard
  13. DisguisedToast
  14. Dogdog
  15. DreadzTV
  16. Dyrus
  17. Evangelion0
  18. Forsen
  19. G4G_Revenant
  20. GeneraL_HS_
  21. Giantwaffle
  22. GN_GG
  23. Gnumme
  24. GoBGG
  25. Gosu
  26. Ibaai
  27. imaqtpie
  28. itsHafu
  29. JoshOG
  30. Jukes
  31. just_ns
  32. Kripp
  33. LilyPichu
  34. LIRIK
  35. Lothar
  36. LS
  37. midbeast
  38. Nervarien
  39. Ness
  40. NoWay4u
  41. Overpow
  42. Pokimane
  43. Jovirone
  44. Reckful
  45. Rojankhxzr
  46. Savjz
  47. Scarra
  48. Shiphtur
  49. Solary
  50. Sp4zie
  51. superjj102
  52. Thaldrin
  53. TheEnclase
  54. TidesofTime
  55. Trick2g
  56. TrumpSC
  57. Trymacs
  58. TSM_TheOddOne
  59. Uthenera
  60. Valkyrae
  61. wtcN
  62. xChocoBars
  63. XodaLive
  64. Yassuo

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