Instructions: How to get the game for free on VpeSports
- Registration
- Go to the VpeSports website.
- Register by filling in the required data.
- Confirm your registration via email.
- Login to your account
- Log in to the site after confirming your email.
- Log in to the site after confirming your email.
- Search for a game
- Go to the Shared Steam section.
- Find the game you want.
- Click Download to download the instructions.
- Leave a review
- Scroll down the page.
- Write a review comment (more than 5 words) about the selected game.
- Getting Steam Data
- Go back to the beginning of the overview.
- Two buttons will appear:
- Show Steam Data
- Click on one of them to get login details.
- Login to Steam
- Open Steam and select Switch Account.
- Enter the details you received and click Login.
- When the 2FA window appears, return to the site.
- Open Steam and select Switch Account.
- Getting an authorization code
- In the website window, click Get auth code.
- Wait 10 seconds and get the code.
- Enter the code in Steam.
- After logging in
- Go to your Steam library.
- If the game is not there, click the minus icon on the left – the game will appear.
- If the game is still not displayed, it may have been hidden (this happens sometimes). Check the hidden games and make sure everything is done correctly.
- Downloading the game
- Once the game appears in the library, click on it.
- If the “Download” button is unavailable, find the small triangle next to it.
- Click on the triangle and select This PC.
- Select the drive to install the game, click “Download”, and you’re done.
- Once the download is complete, launch and enjoy the game!
Important information!
- The authenticator changes every 24 hours. If you want to play again, go to Shared Steam, find the game, click the button (the same one you chose), then Get auth code.
- After playing, be sure to log out of your account so that other users can play too.
- Do not hide games or change settings so that everyone can enjoy the game!
- If you get an error when starting the game, it means that there are many users playing this game. Wait a little or turn on offline mode.
- If you have problems and nothing starts, download our VPN – Vpe VPN to take into account possible limitations.
Instructions for offline mode
- Install the steam client
- Log into Steam with the login and password that you received (when logging in, be sure to click the “remember on this device” checkbox)
- Download game and install from Steam
- Turn on the game until the game menu appears
- Turn off the game
- In Steam, in the upper left corner, click the menu (steam), set it to offline mode
- Turn on the game
- Enjoy
Lifehack for all
If you save account in steam and later it asks guard code you can disable internet on PC and login in account without code in offline mode ❤️
To all using accounts, after download pls go offline so others can access too.
You’ll only lose your progress by sudden steam shut down if you’re online
What to do if the game is not on the account?
Sometimes people hide a game in the list of games and the easiest way is described in the screenshots.