Fortnite Season 7 Week 1 – Complete all challenges

Season 7 Week 1 – Complete all challenges


Pick up an item of each rarity category (5)

And here and nothing complicated! Just grab from chests/supply boxes/from the floor first gray, then green, blue, purple and orange weapons. Can be completed in one go!

Dance in different forbidden places (7)

Use our map below to complete this challenge and dance where you shouldn’t!

forbidden places - Season 7 Week 1 - Complete all challenges

Take part in matches by killing at least one enemy in each (5)

I recognize the old Epics! To complete this task, you will have to try. You need to play 5 matches and eliminate at least one opponent in each of them. This is easy to do in limited time modes (50v50, brawl). We are sure that you are independent and agile enough to cope with this task.

Stage 1-3: dance ______

Stage 1: Dance on the wagon crown (1)

Stage 2: dance on the metal turtle (1)

Stage 3: dance on the submarine, climbing on it (1)

The location of all the necessary attractions is shown on the map:

Deal headshot damage to enemies (500)

The key to the successful completion of this challenge is shotguns and, oddly enough, sniper rifles. You can find this weapon in chests, on the floor, in supply boxes.

Have fun – play brawl!

Stage 1-3: Search ____

Stage 1: Ammo Crates in a single match (5)

Ammo boxes are scattered all over the houses: on roofs, in basements, in bedrooms, in bathrooms and even in kitchens! You just have to press the interaction button on the box and get your points in favor of this task.

Stage 2: chests in one match (3)

Stage 3: Supply Drop

Eliminate opponents in areas with different names (5)

You already know what to do, because this challenge appears almost every second week. You just fall into the named area, kill the enemy (everything is very simple in words!) and start all over again (you just need to choose another area). Again, limited time modes are here to help.

Secret star/flag

Here’s the loading screen with a hint for this week:

The star of season 7 of week 1 is located on top of the submarine:

Location of the star on the map:

Try other mini games