Saints Row IV

Saints Row IV

Every clone of the cult GTA wants two things at once: to preserve the recognition of the great original and at the same time find its own twist so as not to get lost among competitors. Mafia managed to hook with an atmosphere of realism and serious narration, and GUN was remembered for the harsh flavor of the Wild West. The formula for success, it would seem, is simple: change the setting and roles – and voila, the game collects the box office. Saints Row, however, went the other way. Instead of seriousness – complete chaos, instead of drama – jokes and fireworks of madness. With each part, the developers only picked up the pace, and in the new game they clearly decided: “What if we crank up the absurdity to the max?” Did they succeed? Let’s figure it out now.

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The Saints Row series has never hidden the fact that it likes to be inspired by other people’s ideas. Moreover, it has become its signature: mockery of pop culture, outright parodies of movies and games, recognizable cliches – all this is not just for show, but as a full-fledged part of the atmosphere. Ironic, sometimes absurd, but always recognizable – this is the style of the game.

The new part has collected everything that can be imagined. They took a little from GTA, added a destructive drive in the spirit of Prototype, diluted it with street races, puzzles and even text quests – and seasoned it all with the atmosphere of the Matrix. The plot here does not so much tell the story as justifies a crazy cocktail of genres and mechanics.

Saints Row 4 gameplay

At the start, the hero is no longer a street thug, but … the President of the United States. Yes, yes, the real head of state, and his loyal friends now sit in the White House. It would seem that the “Saints” have settled down and are busy with global affairs. But the peace does not last long: aliens invade the Earth, and most people – including the president – are abducted. The main character is sent to a virtual simulation of the familiar city of Steelport. Outwardly, everything looks familiar, but the laws here are strange and often inexplicable. Why are the aliens so confused? It is unknown. And trying to understand the logic of the local madness is more expensive. It is better to follow the philosophy of the main character himself: “Enough to figure it out – it’s time to act.”

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Madness at its maximum: what awaits you in the virtual world of Saints Row 4

Transferring events to the virtual world opened up scope for creativity for the authors. Here, spoons bend with the power of thought, people jump up to the sky, and terminators roam the streets mixed with armed toilets. Yes, this is exactly the madness you thought. Volition moved away from the spirit of GTA and moved towards superhero showdowns in the open world. To understand what Saints Row 4 breathes, imagine the third part, only with the addition of Prototype elements and a generous portion of madness. Saints Row is one of the few series that can afford to openly borrow gameplay from other games without looking pathetic. The new skills section is now replete with superpowers, some of which seem to have been copied straight from Prototype. We drive faster than cars, jump higher than houses, run along walls and soar above the city like a real superhero. Isn’t this Prototype, huh? Moreover, the similarity is noticeable not only in the idea, but also in the execution: a couple of jumps – and you are already on the roof of a skyscraper, a little more – and you have jumped over half the city. Yes, the visual effects are simpler here: the asphalt does not crack from your landings, as in Prototype, but the spirit of the original is clearly felt.

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Here are just some of the superpowers that the game makes available:

  • Super speed – you can overtake any car;
  • Super jump – allows you to fly to the height of a skyscraper;
  • Wall running – an excellent tool for vertical parkour;
  • Gliding in the air – slowly hovering over the city with the ability to control the trajectory;
  • Telekinesis – lift, throw, crush everything that comes to hand.

The same story with combat abilities. Freezing enemies, fireballs, telekinesis — we’ve seen all of this somewhere before. But despite the borrowings, the combination of all of these elements with the frantic rhythm and signature style of Saints Row makes what’s happening truly exciting. And, interestingly, in terms of drive, the game is not inferior to those from whom it borrowed all of this.

However, you won’t be able to feel like an all-powerful god right away. Firstly, the enemies here are no pushovers and know very well how their digital sandbox works. Secondly, each super ability spends energy, and it, alas, is not infinite. To upgrade and become cooler, you need to collect blue energy clusters, which are scattered around the city in abundance. So go ahead — hunt for power and fun!

Freedom of action and fun madness: Saints Row 4 gameplay

The character leveling and customization in this game are really pleasing. As in the previous part, you can change almost everything – from the hero’s boots to the color of the butt of the plasma gun. Moreover, if the visual changes are more for the soul, then the improvements to weapons and abilities directly affect the gameplay. The development system has remained familiar: we improve health, armor, damage and other parameters. You can screw an additional magazine to each barrel, equip your gang fighters with grenade launchers, and upgrade your car with a new engine and replace the headlights. The only thing that can get in the way is a lack of money.

Saints Row IV System Requirements

But earning in this game is not a burden. In addition to the main storyline, side missions are scattered throughout the city. Some of them migrated from the third part, but there are enough fresh ones – taking into account the new mechanics. For example, timed missions: considering that the speed of the main character is comparable to a jet fighter, such races turn into a real attraction. There are also cooperative missions designed for playing with friends. Exploring the city is fun and so addictive that you forget about the main campaign. And the partners saved in the story sometimes throw in nice bonuses – a trifle, but nice.

Saints Row 4 constantly keeps the player on their toes. Just when it seems that you have figured it out, a new ability, weapon or another type of enemy appears. In addition to shooting and explosions, the game offers a bunch of mini-games. For example, breaking store locks is a small puzzle where you need to connect parts and conduct electricity from point A to point B. And as the main story progresses, there are real surprises: in one task, we suddenly find ourselves behind the wheel of a two-dimensional tank or get into a text adventure; in another, we control a giant combat robot. And somewhere you will even have to hide in a cardboard box and shoot out light bulbs to remain unnoticed. And in such madness the whole game takes place – bright, fun and completely unpredictable.

Saints Row 4 – A Game Where Madness Becomes the Norm

The virtual Steelport has turned into a truly crazy metropolis, where people and aliens live side by side. This neighborhood has fundamentally changed the appearance of the city – everything is drowning in neon lights, alien ships are scurrying overhead, and strange transport of alien origin rushes along the streets along with ordinary cars. Mysterious towers and energy stations rise here and there – they indicate who owns a particular district: the “saints” or the invaders. Recapture such an object – you gain control over part of the city.

Weapons also did not remain aloof from extraterrestrial technologies. Now in your arsenal you can find truly crazy things:

what awaits you in the virtual world of Saints Row 4

  • A black hole generator that literally sucks in everything around it;
  • Anal probe – where would we be without the cult Saints Row nonsense;
  • Laser beams and other energy weapons;
  • Fantastic guns with unpredictable effects.

This is more than enough to arrange an apocalypse on the streets in the style of the wildest fantasy. Fun, crazy and very spectacular.

But fans of classic GTA-like games may not like something – transport in Saints Row 4 plays a secondary role. The thing is that the hero here is not just a person, but a real superhero. And if you can fly to any point on the map in a couple of jumps, why steal a car at all? Because of this, upgrading cars loses its meaning. However, you can now listen to the radio not only in the car, but also just running along the streets – a nice bonus. The developers from Volition have radically revised their approach to the series – from a crime thriller, the project has become more like a superhero parody. Nevertheless, players are sometimes given the opportunity to remember the “good old days” – missions where the hero is temporarily deprived of his abilities bring variety, although they feel a little far-fetched.

Saints Row 4 is constantly changing – sometimes it’s a superhero story, sometimes a gangster action game, sometimes a zombie shooter, sometimes a spy thriller. The game is like a chameleon – it changes its appearance so often that you never get bored. Yes, it has its downsides: the AI ​​is lame, the graphics are outdated in places, and the physics remain at the level of the previous part. But when such a fantastic mess is happening around, these details are quickly lost – after all, in this theater of the absurd, the main thing is drive and fun.

Pros and cons of the game: what makes Saints Row IV fun and annoying

It is difficult to find something truly new in the new project of the Volition studio – almost every element of the gameplay resembles borrowing from other games. But it is in this “hodgepodge” that the main charm of the game lies. It does not try to seem original, but skillfully mixes other people’s discoveries into something integral and original. This is not plagiarism, but a brilliant parody – of games, of cinema, of pop culture and, in a sense, even of itself.

Saints Row 4 - A Game Where Madness Becomes the Norm

What pleased:

  • a lot of different mechanics;
  • vibrant and spectacular battles;
  • interesting leveling system;
  • humor, which is literally at every step;
  • a wide choice of weapons and vehicles.

What disappointed:

  • graphics are outdated in places;
  • artificial intelligence and physics can fail.

Saints Row IV System Requirements

Minimum Specs Recommended Specs
Operating System: Windows Vista (32 or 64-bit) Operating System: Windows 7 (32 or 64-bit)
CPU: AMD Athlon II x3 / Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 CPU: AMD Phenom II x4 / Intel i3 2100T or better
RAM: 4 GB required RAM: 4 GB recommended
Video Card: AMD Radeon HD 5800 / NVIDIA GTX 260 Video Card: AMD Radeon HD 6800 / NVIDIA GTX 560
DirectX Version: 10 DirectX Version: 11
Disk Space: 10 GB free Disk Space: 10 GB available

How to play Saints Row IV for free on Steam via VpeSports

Do you dream of flying into the crazy world of Saints Row IV, where the US president saves humanity with superpowers and a rocket launcher in his hands, but don’t want to spend money? Don’t worry, we have a great way to do it for free — without piracy, viruses and headaches. Everything is honest, simple and convenient: you get access to a shared account on Steam and start playing right now.

All you need to do is go to the VpeSports website, quickly register (literally a minute), and go to the section with free steam account. There, among other things, you will find Saints Row IV — an epic action game where you can fly, break the laws of physics and kill aliens to the cries of freedom. On the game page there will be a “Download” button, and it will open simple instructions for launching. No dancing with a tambourine — everything is intuitive. A few steps — and you are already jumping on the roofs like a real superhero in a presidential suit.

When you try the game, don’t forget to leave a review – it’s important. Your opinion helps other gamers understand whether it’s worth trying, and at the same time brings the moment when you get your login data closer. If moderation is a little delayed, don’t worry – just correct the text according to the tips, and everything will be clear.

How to play Saints Row IV for free on Steam via VpeSports

Do you want to be aware of all the new distributions, tricks and get support if suddenly something is wrong? Join our Telegram – there are always instructions at hand, and people ready to help. And if you want to read in more detail how to launch Saints Row IV and a bunch of other games for free – a full guide is already waiting for you on VpeSports or write to tech support. Go ahead, save the world and give out some kicks – now you’re in the game.

How is Saints Row IV different from other GTA clones?
What superpowers are available in the game?
Why did transport fade into the background in the game?
How diverse is the gameplay of Saints Row IV?
How to play Saints Row IV for free via Steam?
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12 thoughts on “Saints Row IV

  1. Saints row the best series after GTA the futurastic clash with action and funny taunt. It lets you play as an another level person.

  2. Saints Row IV is a fun, chaotic ride with superpowers and absurd missions. While it’s entertaining, the gameplay can feel repetitive, and the over-the-top style might not be for everyone. Still, it’s a wild and enjoyable experience.

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